I’m chillin’ at home with my kiddos this week who are home from school during the holiday. Mehgan is now 4 weeks into her sewing classes and has been sewing all day. Alex is hanging out with his cousins from out of town.
I know it’s Thanksgiving week, but we are keeping the meal low key. No more crazy culinary nightmares like we once had. Just ask me about the time I had butternut squash soup on the ceiling and the turkey in the bathtub. NO JOKE.
However, one ritual we do keep is to write out a rampage of gratitude and appreciation, even for the tiniest things. I personally do this several times a week. Sometimes I go for days on end pouring with gratitude.
When I stop this practice I find I can get off track a bit….like you see in the video when I had an emotional moment of LACK and I became jealous of someone else. Yes… lil ol’ me was having a moment like we all do. It’s just a matter of how quickly we stay there and how we shift to allow it to serve us.
I love sharing the realness of life and how we can use everything as fuel to transform our lives.
“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” -Howard Thurman
There have been times in my life where I felt on top of the world, intentional, and on fire. I felt beaming with energy. I felt all the things I wanted in my life came easily and it felt effortless and a joy. I loved being alive, I loved who I was and I loved what I was doing. Somewhere along the way I no longer felt that way anymore. I noticed life felt like a struggle and I didn’t feel good about myself or anything. I felt stuck, burdened, and alone. In reflection I wondered what the heck happened? How did I go from a state of bliss into a state of paralysis?
The Biggest Buzz Kill= Fears One way to zap the passion is to feel fear, insecurities, doubt, and expectations. Who cares what people think of us. We don’t have to live up to anyone else’s exceptions or even our own. We just gotta let ourselves do what we enjoy most! When we are fired up, creativity flows through us, it is almost as if we are just channeling it. It feels effortless, it feels as though time collapses. It rejuvenates us. It inspires us, fulfills us.
What happens when we aren’t alive? We become stressed, frustrated, feel drained, blah, complacent, angry, irritable, annoyed, (especially with happy people). We want to drown out life or find some other source to give up pleasure rather than create the things that give us an internal sense of pleasure and satisfaction. We feel empty and alone, then we resort to outside sources to try to fill the void w/ things such as junk food, overeating, sleeping, pills, drugs, alcohol, sex/pornography, TV. Sometimes we start trying to please other people rather than ourselves as a way to awaken, but that seems to only perpetuate the situation. We are looking on the outside for things to make us feel good on the inside. The above are all symptoms of a starving soul.
There are tons of creative ways to get in touch with what makes us come alive. The fun part is finding our own way. Here are a series of exercises you can do to awaken and rejuvenate yourself that bring you back in touch with your spirit.
EXERCISE 1- Find Your Passions Passions never fade, they usually are very similar to the interests you had as a child and see what comes up. Brainstorm all the things you have loved doing in your life. Here is a list of things that came up for me.
I loved to do gymnastics. I went from beginners to advanced in am matter of a months because I couldn’t get enough of it. As an adult, although I do not do gymnastics, I do power yoga, which to me is gymnastics in slow-motion without the plyometrics.
I loved playing with natural beauty remedies. You could find me chilling out in my room at the age of 10 with oatmeal on my face and egg whites around my eyes! Later in life, I expressed that passion again through opening a day spa.
I love love love to read. As a little girl I would sit in a tree, sit in a corner or on my bed and read for hours. Sometimes I would read the same book several times, as I did with Charlottes Web in the first grade. As an adult and over the course of years I have read hundreds of books on self help, health, beauty, fitness. I experimented with all sorts of detoxes, workouts, exercises, diets, and health regimes.
I love love love LEARNING & TEACHING. As a matter of fact I would go to summer school just for fun. I would also ask for extra left over worksheets at the end of the school year and have my little brothers sit down and play teacher as I taught them how to do the work. As an adult, I attended fun classes on massage, holistic health, personal training, nutrition, injury rehab, yoga, herbal therapy, and so forth. Never did it feel like work. I know health is a passion of mine because I could spend all day studying and practicing. In 2002 I turned this passion into a career that evolved from a massage therapist, yoga instructor, personal trainer, group fitness instructor, spa director, nutrition & detox coach.
I love to journal. I have been doing this since the second grade. I loved going out in my backyard as a kid, climbing up in our old olive tree and writing. To this day I still journal and write. It is reflected in my blog posts. This blog is just an extension of my personal journal….. Dear Diary…. lol! Ok, but seriously… a journal is the best friend ever, it just listens quietly and lets you discover your own way. Welcome to my journey! 😉
I love tinkering in the garden and kitchen. I would try to grow plants and I loved spending time in my grandfathers backyard that was filled with edible plants. I spent summers eating berries all day long (while I was supposed to be pulling weeds). To this day those are some of my fondest summer memories. I would also take peaches we grew in our backyard and look in the index of recipe books and find all the recipes that had peaches in them. Think Forrest Gump here with all his Shrimp recipe ideas! Just turn that into peaches and you would see me! When I bought my first home I started growing gardens again. I am far from a pro, but I really love growing and harvesting my own food. I have lots of reasons why, but the main reason is to observe nature and enjoy the cycle of life. I am currently in a home where I cannot put anything in the ground, but I do want to start this back up again.
I loved playing dress up in my moms clothes, makeup and heels. It was fun to get all fancy and to feel beautiful.
I loved going out and dancing as a teen and young adult. I could dance for hours many days a week and just get lost in the music. I love that exercise feels fun and effortless. I love the body confidence. I love the sensuality. I love celebrating my body. I just love dancing! I don’t care what type it is. I think I live vicariously through watching shows like “Dancing with the Stars”. The costumes are amazing and I love how graceful the body can move. This is definitely a side of me that I would love to start expressing again.
Throughout school, I loved PE and Science. I love the scientific explanation and understanding of what is unfolding. I especially enjoy it in regards to nature, quantum physics, and the human body. I love to play around and do cool little experiments to see what happens. BTW, have you ever seen the rice experiment? My kids and I have done that and LOVE it!
I love music and want it playing in the home all the time. It uplifts me and creates a mood/vibration.
I love turning bland into beautiful. I guess this is where makeovers in general come in. I love transformation whether it is with interior design, edible landscaping, food & meals, personal growth, weight loss and beauty makeovers. Stories of people who go from ordinary to extraordinary. It’s the transformation. It’s the growth that excites me. I suppose that is why I am so drawn to all things that grow and evolve whether it is personal growth, health, beauty, gardening, raising children. Observing the journey is so beautiful!
I love singing all around the house, in the car, whenever, wherever.
EXERCISE 2- Identify Blockages & Why You Stopped (Excuses) Now that you have remembered all the things you have loved in the past, did you feel a swell of enthusiasm build as you were remembering the things that brought you joy? Did just writing it out excite you all over again. Now why in the world would you ever stop? Write out all the reasons that you stopped doing what you love!
In writing this list I realized there are a lot of things that I loved to do that I am not doing now. It led me to inquire as to why I ever stopped doing them in the first place.
I felt I didn’t have the time or money to pursue those interests (like go to dance lessons or singing lessons).
I felt I wasn’t good enough at it to make anything of it, I might as well drop it and get on with the skills that I do have.
I became distracted with what I didn’t want to do and focused on what I felt I had to do.
Fear and negative beliefs got in the way.
I forgot my intention and why I am here in the first place.
I disconnected from my spirit.
I became out of balance.
Life no longer felt fun. It felt like struggle and WORK.
Blockages are just excuses you have told yourself to mask fear.
EXERCISE 3- Start Dreaming
Play the Wouldn’t it be Nice Game in “Ask & It is Given” by Esther & Jerry Hicks. Here is what came up for me.
Wouldn’t it be nice if….
I could sing beautifully
I would dance beautifully and gracefully
I was an amazing communicator and loved speaking in front of a large audience
I could focus
I was consistent
I created a business that felt like a fun game and not work
I felt passionate, alive, & beaming with energy
I had a beautiful body
I did do what I wish I had the balls to do
I felt beautiful just the way I am
I believed in myself and felt connected to my spirit
I had unlimited resources
I was an incredible friend
I was a billionaire
I could walk outside and pick my meal from the garden that was full of nutrient dense biophotons and pure energy.
Follow up your dreams with a reason why. Here are my reasons why it would be nice. They correlate in order to the dreams listed above.
It would be nice because….
I would belt out a song whenever I wanted to and wouldn’t feel self conscious. I wouldn’t care what anyone thought of my voice. I would just enjoy it!
I would get down and DANCE. I wouldn’t hold back! I would let go, get into it and have fun!
I wouldn’t care if anyone made fun of me or thought I sucked
I would share what my heart is calling me to do & I would know people understand me.
I would finish all the inspiring things I start
I would really make progress and master my passions
I would look forward to creating, it would feel easy & effortless instead of overwhelming
I would feel satisfied with life everyday
I wouldn’t let insecurities keep me from getting out and JUST DOING IT!
I would feel uninhibited & free I would enjoy my beautiful body rather than criticizing it
I wouldn’t care if other people were judging me, I would just do my thing
I’d love my haters
I’d conquer my fears, my prison, my world!
I’d feel good about the way I conducted myself in relationships
I could make a difference in the world, help people by investing in them just as others have invested in me
I would be beaming with energy
Exercise 4- List Your Fears What did you find is holding you back? Here is my list of fears that I allowed to paralyze me from living the life I want and enjoy.
I am afraid of….
being judged
negative opinions
not being good enough, inadequate
being misunderstood
succeeding and getting what I want
too many responsibilities, juggling too much
being overwhelmed
open up and be vulnerable
Free your Mind & JUST DO IT = Inspire 2 Act! It’s time to let the hamster in your mind get off it’s wheel and stop running the same cycle. Give it a rest. Stop with the incessant mental chatter. Let the creative inspiration come to you when you are in a state of relaxation and go with it. Do not allow the mind to work against you and talk yourself out of your dreams and passions with fears and doubts. Let your mind be a tool to take you where your heart desires.
Exercise 5- Pleasure, Silence & Relaxation
Give yourself the gift of pleasure, silence and relaxation. Stop squeezing the pleasure out of your life and allow yourself to come alive. Feel life flow through you. I am practicing this daily as part of my “New Day Resolutions”. I know when I do the things that bring me joy that life feels effortless. I also allow time to reflect, appreciate, and listen to my inner guidance. The inspiration just gets louder and the days soon are no longer just an hour of pleasure, but you’ll feel it all day long. Start stretching out the bliss in your days.
How would I feel if I did it anyway? Regardless of fears, limitations, doubts, and insecurities how would you feel if you did it anyway? Maybe a little scared and a little turned on? According to my friend, Steve Pavlina if it turns you on and scares you a little bit then ya gotta do it.
I’d feel alive, free, relaxed, in celebration, & empowered. How do I know? Just check out my video “Skeletons in my Closet“. That was soooo scary for me to do, but after it was over I was embraced with love, support and encouragement. I was welcomed into the world.I was FREED just by sharing it publicly.
Liberate yourself from your fears & do it anyway! Here are 2 of my favorite quotes that help me from out of fear and into a state of inspiration that calls me to action.
Our Deepest Fear “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are we not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us, it’s in everyone. And as we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fears, our presence automatically liberates others.” – Marianne Williamson
Anyway “People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered; Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; Be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies; Succeed anyway. If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; Be honest and frank anyway. What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight; Build anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous; Be happy anyway. The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; Do good anyway. Give the world the best you have,and it may never be enough; Give the world the best you’ve got anyway. You see, in the final analysis,it is between you and God; It was never between you and them anyway.” -Mother Teresa
What Do You Want? As for me, I want to master of my life & feel freedom, passion, joy, and empowerment. By liberating myself and sharing with you my inner vulnerable world and fears I am creating space to let go and live my life. I am dropping the fears and going for it. How about you?
Tell me, what is it you love? What is it you want to explore? What makes you come alive? Why did you stop doing the things you love? Tell me what you are afraid of and why. Let’s liberate each other and Just Do It! We owe it to the world to do what we love. Let’s master the art of living well!
Here we are another year later. We are optimistic and enthusiastic about all the goals we have created. However, deep down there is a small pit of doubt in our stomach. We find ourselves asking, “Am I really going to do it this year? Am I really going to accomplish all these goals or am I going to give up on them in 3 months?” I don’t know about you, but this has definitely been the case for most of my life for New Years Resolutions. Don’t believe me? Just check out my Bikini Body Challenge I posted on my blog in 2009. When it comes to making changes, the ones I have kept were never because of New Years, but they were decisions I made just because I wanted to do it. There was no expectation that I HAD to do anything. Somehow, New Years can bring a sense of overwhelm that we MUST do something. We generate these amazing goals with a big gusto and before we know it that goal has somehow vaporized into thin air! Well, I don’t know about you, but I am done with that cycle. After all, the definition of insanity is repeating the same thing over and over expecting different results. This year I have opted to do something else.
What am I doing different?
I have gone simple. I took time to gain clarity on my intention. Then I created daily FEEL GOOD habits. You know, the ones that make you feel good when you do them. It is my goal to create daily disciplines that feel attainable. They require effort, but they don’t burn me out.
My Intention
This is not just about this year, but it’s about how I want to feel and experience life today and everyday…. for 2011 & for LIFE. That intention is to FEEL GOOD & BE HAPPY. That’s it! I want to enjoy & celebrate life, to feel in love with myself & my life, and pay it forward. My intention is on creating and living a lifestyle I want to live now. To start practicing becoming the person I want to be & do the activities I love. I want to live as if I died today that I would be satisfied with the way I conducted myself in my life. If I knew my time on Earth was limited (which we all know it is) I would choose happiness no matter what. I would KNOW I can do anything. I would see my beauty, focus on progress & not perfection, open up & be vulnerable. I would drop fears and just do it! I would allow that creative expression to flow through me and into my life. I would feel a deep connection to my spirit and operate on high vibrations.
I recently watched a video from Brian & Alexandra Jaye Johnson and I heard him refer to daily disciplines as daily Blissaplines. I fell in love with it immediately because it shifted the feeling of strictness into blissness. My goal for today and everyday is to be consistent with the following feel good habits:
Rise w/ the sun – don’t let the sun catch me in bed 🙂
When you are focused on just on doing things that feel good then you just let the outcomes take care of themselves. Perhaps, life will show you results that you may never have imagined. Living this way automatically reduces stress and brings a sense of peace and balance. You will feel yourself taking daily steps that close the gap from where you am to where you want to be. A new day resolution doesn’t give you time to put things off. Procrastination ends and living now begins.
Where Things Go Wrong
We forget our intention, We disconnect from spirit by getting so mentally cluttered that we forget what is most important. The best way I am finding to stay connected to my intention is to take time daily to collaborate with God. You know, contemplate (it’s on my list of daily feel good habits), be silent and give the mind time to detox from incessant thoughts that distract us from what we really want. We all need reminders and this one seems to do the trick! You realize that there is nothing you HAVE to do. These are all things you GET to do.
What You Don’t Want
If you are anything like me you don’t want to put off life. You are done with overwhelming and defeating yourself before you even get started. You are done with frustration and stress. There is no way you can keep going and living with regret. So cheers to turning your life around, one day, one habit at a time. Let life flow through you and enjoy the ride!
Now that I have shared a little bit about my new day resolutions, I’d love to hear yours!
I can hardly believe that I have not posted a blog in over 8 weeks. Trust me, I did go through withdrawals and there were times I had things I really wanted to share with you. I apologize for the silence and I am happy to check in with you now.
My absence has been intentional. I have been going through what I call a “Life Detox”. It is something I like to do at least once a year. I take time to re-evaluate EVERY aspect of my life. It helps me address and eliminate the things in my life that are distracting me from my life direction. In my last post I talked about conquering low self esteem. When I am feeling less than stellar over a period of time I know it is time to clear the slate and get a fresh perspective. I do that with a Life Detox.
From my last post, the main reason my self esteem dropped was because I was not doing what I know to be right. This is the fastest way to crush ones self image. In addition, I was not being intentional and I was filling my time with distraction and procrastination. That combo will get your spirit screaming and leaving you feeling frustrated. Think of it as a neglected baby who won’t stop crying until you give them some love and attention. I really feel that anger and frustration are just symptoms of a neglected spirit. Denying your spirit is the fastest way to crush your soul.
When you ignore your truths…prepare to feel a slump. When you don’t act according to what you feel is right then you have just denied yourself. We dull our light and want to hide in shadows. Shadows are OK because they give us the contrast in our life and we all go through times of ignoring our inner voice. However, you cannot sustain hiding and still feel amazing about this gift of life.
We Are Transparent As much as we’d like to believe that we can fool others and hide how we really feel, we are only fooling ourselves. Everything in your physical environment is a mirror of your internal state. If you look around and see a cluttered car, home, room, garage, closet, kitchen, bathroom, etc., it is a good indicator that you are mentally cluttered and distracting yourself from your life calling. If you are shopping and buying unnecessary items or eating excessively, it is an indicator that you are stuffing your emotions. If we are complaining about someone else we are really just affirming how we feel about ourselves inside. We really are far more transparent than we think we are. With a quick observation of ones living environment, listening to the words spoken, the way one presents themselves, cares for their health, home, relationships or career is a huge indicator of ones self esteem and how much they are connected to their spirit.
I know this can sound like a blow, it is the truth. I have lived this myself. When you recognize you are off track and disconnected it is easy to do a Life Detox. This is a great way to steer your life into the direction you want to go without as many obstacles to remind you of who you were, so you can see who you truly are. We are all spiritual beings having a human experience. Our spirit is so powerful and yet when we ignore our spirit we start behaving like a crying baby.
A Neglected Spirit is like a Crying Baby The fastest way I know how to “get the baby to stop crying” is to give some love and attention. I have to acknowledge “the crying baby” and in this case the crying baby is my spirit. Once you acknowledge your spirit, see yourself as you truly are, and what you deserve your behaviors follow in alignment. I reviewed my post “Walking Into Knowingness“
Align Your Behaviors with Truth If you try to change your or behaviors without the shift in your paradigm you may see your behaviors as torture rather than TLC. For example, the raw food diet. When I tell people I am into raw foods they freak out and think I am missing out on all the “good stuff” and start naming their favorite junk foods. At times I would forget why I ate raw (which is to fuel my body with the foods that are species specific for optimal life performance) and would eat something that not only left me feeling digestively upset, but emotionally upset as well. It wasn’t that I had a “weak” moment. It was merely that I forgot my intention and who I was. Once I saw myself as a magnificent human being here to do great things then I only desired to give myself the best of life. For me, eating raw feels like a feast for royalty rather than a form of torture.
Who We Are The best way for me to shift my paradigm to remind myself of who I am is to read “Our Deepest Fear” by Marianne Williamson (which I refer to often). It really puts me back into perspective. I have shared it before, but because I feel this is a theme for so many of us I will share it again (and again). 🙂
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
With that in mind, how could we not see ourselves as brilliant and create an environment that allows us freedom to shine?
People tend to feel a false sense of security with holding their belongings, but truthfully, the more you own the more you must manage and that can be a time zapper and you can end up feeling like a slave to your stuff.
Over the past 6 weeks, I went though all my cobwebs and cleaned them out. I happily eliminated over 50% of my belongings and donated them to charity. I involved my children and taught them how much fun it is to give your unused things to someone who will love . I feel so much lighter without excess baggage to hold me down. I freed myself, my time, and my environment to that I could re-evaluate, prioritize, and re-connect with my spirit.
How to Do A Life Detox Go through every nook and cranny of every thing you own, activities and actions you do, and relationships you have. Either remove or repair anything uninspiring, and address anything needing physical or emotional mending. Sometimes, just going through and detoxing your home spurs emotional healing.
Qualify Your Stuff To determine what stays, put each item through a qualification process, much like one goes through to qualify for a home or car. However, instead of qualifying yourself, you are qualifying the item, relationship or experience.
Does it Reflect the Best Version of Yourself? Most of the stuff we have does not reflect the highest version of ourselves. It’s just the trail of our past experiences. It’s time to thank those things in our lives for the purpose it served us at that time. It is now time to offer those things to someone else who will use them.
How Do You Feel When You See It? Do you look at old clothes you once fit and feel frustrated? Do you have a negative or painful past memory associated with it? If you look at any item you own you must feel thrilled and honored to own it. If you do not, say goodbye. If you don’t LOVE it, then it has got to go. You may start to feel like you won’t have anything if you follow these guidelines. Know that you are creating space for a temple or private retreat and only the best can come into your space.
Kitchen Pantry, Refrigerator, and Freezer Eliminate anything that do not fuel your body in the most honorable way.
Dining Room Kitchen disposables such as, Paper plates, napkins, utensils. Start using reusable goods that inspire you to only eat foods that are worthy of you.
Bathroom & Cleaning Supplies Eliminate toxic cleaning supplies and hygiene products. Start using items that are good for the health of your body, home and planet.
Media/Living room Eliminate any music, books, magazine subscriptions, video games or movies portraying violence or any negative behaviors. Discontinue from watching TV shows that dampen your spirit. These things harden your spirit and distract you from seeing the beauty in life.
Electronic & Paper Clutter Go through and clear out your paperwork, email, and voicemail.
Body Detox Clear your body of anything that is holding onto unnecessary baggage with sweating, colonics, & fasting.
Activities/ Time Management If you don’t love it, don’t do it. I am talking END RESULT here. Sometimes we confuse this, but we have to think about the end result of the activity.
Relationships If you feel like any relationship is burdensome or depleting you rather than fueling you, you may want to reevaluate the people you surround yourself with. You are the average sum of the 5 people you spend most of your time with. This includes your weight, diet, religious views, income, etc. If you don’t like what you see you may want to find people that inspire you to make the most of yourself.
Once you clear your life you can take a good self examination and see where you can improve your life. I promise you will feel a sense of relief and feel a renewed sense of purpose from honoring your life and your spirit.
Stay on Track with Silence & Stillness Without sounding too much like Yoda or Confucius, it is true that in order to go forward…do nothing. In order to do more….do less, especially when it comes to mental chatter and environmental noise. When was the last time you were in silence? What about not talking, turning off the Internet, TV, music, movies, books, etc. When was the last time you did nothing?
Doing a day of silence on a weekly basis is so nourishing. It was amazing what inspiration flows in when noise and distraction is eliminated. Remember our spirit whispers secrets. 🙂 If an entire day seems like a leap, start with an hour of silence a day. Spend your time alone with yourself, start by journaling your rampages of appreciation, write out any concerns or roadblocks you feel you are experiencing. reading, resting, sunbathing, contemplating, cleaning, gardening, walking, doing yoga. In time you will be able to increase the silence. Soon you’ll really look forward this time to listen to your inner genius awakening
Use Holidays as Reminders to Renew Sometimes we can find ourselves back into old patterns and holidays can help us refocus and remind us of what is important.
The Sunrise & New Year’s Day It’s an opportunity to refresh and refocus on what we really want. I prefer happy new day when the sun rises rather than waiting for a new year! It’s such a smaller bite to take and we should feel that EVERYDAY is a celebration! Are you waking up and feeling thankful that you have another day on this Earth to experience life? To live with meaning and love. To appreciate what we have. To appreciate the day as an opportunity.
Valentines Day A reminder to show your love, appreciation, & admiration to those in your life.
Easter/ Spring New life new beginnings, renewal, forgiveness
Independence Day A reminder to release ourselves of our burdens and experience freedom in all forms including emotional and financial freedom.
Thanksgiving An opportunity to share your gratitude
Christmas A reminder to give, share your gifts, shine your light with the world & contribute to the betterment of life.
May this inspire you to take time to align your life with what really matters and to create an environment that brings out the best in you. Cheers to Life!
If you are running through life feeling overwhelmed and not really making the impact you know you want, or wishing you felt alive and filled with passion then you are going to LOVE me!