The gyms are clearing out and the self esteem of yet another “New Years Resolution-er” is gone down the pipes. If this sounds like the nutty cycle you are on I wanted to help you stop that cycle. I want to see you actually follow through with your goals. I don’t want you to give up on yourself and so I am sharing a simple test that I do weekly to keep me focused on my vision of being as healthy and fit as I possibly can be. I want you do take the fit test too and see how you do!
Here are my scores and improvements within 30 days.
Jan 1
1 Mile Run: 10:40
Push ups: 33 modified
Sit ups: 23
Balance: 30 seconds each leg looking up
Sit & Reach: 7 inches beyond the heels
Right shoulder up: 6 cm away from touching
Left shoulder up: 5 cm away from touching
Jan 31
1 Mile Run: 8:51
Push ups: 44 modified
Sit ups: 29
Balance: 30 seconds each leg eyes closed
Sit & Reach: 8 inches beyond the heels
Right shoulder up: touching!
Left shoulder up: touching!
1 Mile Run: 1:49 shaved off my time
Push ups: increased by 11
Sit ups: increased by 6
Balance: I can close my eyes and balance on one leg for 30 seconds!
Sit & Reach: 1 inch
Right shoulder: 6 cm
Left shoulder: 5 cm
I shared mine and this is just the beginning! Now I want to see how fit you are! Do the Fit Test and share your results in the comments below!
Challenge: For you and me both let’s see how good it can get! Let’s dedicate time for daily fitness and see how much we can improve our fitness scores!
I am back!!!! Yes…. in my bikini! Here is another update and links to my journey along the way if you are new to my blog. I hope you enjoy and this inspires you to take immaculate care of your body!
Isn’t funny how quickly things can change when you shift your perspective from “I am not good enough so I MUST lose weight” to “I love myself so much that I want to treat my body with love and respect”? It’s an empowering shift moving from a state of forcing your body to be a particular way to allowing your best body to come forth.
I remember losing 10 pounds EFFORTLESSLY in 2007. I didn’t stick to any strict menu or have a set workout routine. I just focused on feeling good. I found that I was preoccupied with living and not the number on my scale. I did make it a point to sweat everyday, but that was as simple as cranking up the music and dancing while mopping my floors. Besides that my focus was just to stay happy. It wasn’t long and everyone asked me how I went from 118 to 108. I felt sort of guilty because I didn’t make that my primary focus. I didn’t even try, it was just a by product of feeling good. I have decided to go back to that method after realizing that the egocentric way I have been TRYING this year so far hasn’t given me the results I wanted. I remember that quote “Insanity is repeating the same thing over and over, and expecting different results.”
I needed to shift into the heart. I have started looking at myself in a loving way. I have been focusing on what I do have and what I am thankful for. I am also paying more attention to what my body is able to do rather than how it looks.
Here are a few things I have been feeling lately:
I am so happy that my body is free of pain.
I am so thankful my body has healed from several injuries.
I am thankful this body has given birth to two amazing children.
I am thankful for my energy, youth, and vitality.
I am grateful that I can pick up sports with ease and participate in all sorts of recreational activities.
I am thankful for my feminine curves.
I am thankful I have found raw foods.
I am thankful I love being healthy.
I am thankful I love yoga and all forms of exercise.
I love my body and look forward to showing it how much I love it through giving it a little daily love and attention. Here is a great quote from my favorite yoga instructor, Bryan Kest “The integrity of the web is dependant on the resiliency of every strand”.
Remember to take time to honor your body in more ways than the ones that affect you aesthetically.
In July, I tweeted that I did a Fitness Analysis. This is something I learned as part of my personal training education. You can learn how to perform your own fitness analysis by going to this link. It’s great because it gives you a general idea of your fitness level. When you see my results below you’ll see I added in a few extra elements to the test just to get a clearer picture of where I was.
I wasn’t exactly thrilled with the results, but everyone needs to know their starting point. Isn’t there a quote out there somewhere that says what gets measured improves? I have been more sedentary since I have been working online more so here are my humble results.
After reviewing my results, I was bummed that I relapsed and lost most of my efforts I was making on my bikini body challenge. My sedentary lifestyle is eating away my physical abilities and I really needed to step up my game. There is no reason that I shouldn’t be in the top 95%ile in all areas. Obviously, I need to work on my upper body strength and cardiovascular ability. I decided it’s time to get back on track & make some goals, create a support system and accountability.
Goals Run an 8 minute mile. It isn’t a fantastic time, but it is a big improvement to my current time. Complete 40 consecutive modified push-ups and 20 consecutive full push ups Reduce my BMI to 18
Plan of Action August I started a 30 day challenge. The goal is to complete a workout everyday for 30 days.
Cardio Plan Complete 1 mile 5x on week 1= Total 5 miles Complete 2 miles 5x on week 2= Total 10 miles Complete 3 miles 5x on week 3= Total 15 miles Complete 4 miles 5x on week 4= Total 20 miles
Strength, Flexibility, Balance Plan Perform Yoga 2x a week- 90 minutes each session adding in lots of push ups or chaturangas for upper body strength.
Support System & Accountability I created a yoga bikini body boot camp group for women. I love helping others by solving my own problem! Together we are supporting each other to improve our levels of fitness. Another way to stay accountable is by posting blogs on my weekly workout wrap ups. So check in weekly to see if I am still going strong.
I have already completed 10 days this month. I haven’t missed a day of doing some exercise everyday! Even better, my sister decided to join in on the 30 days of fitness challenge and has been walking 4 miles everyday! I love it!
Comment below and share with me your current weekly workout!
If you are running through life feeling overwhelmed and not really making the impact you know you want, or wishing you felt alive and filled with passion then you are going to LOVE me!