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The Power of Grounding 

“Touch your soles with the soul of this Earth and feel her magic” 

– Anonymous

Many of us spend the majority of our time indoors, separated from the earth by layers of concrete, wood, and synthetic materials. This lifestyle leads to a ‘grounding deficiency.’ However, it is easily remedied by a grounding practice, but first we need to be able to identify when we are ungrounded. Below are five signs to look for.

You are ungrounded when:

  • Your mind is racing and can’t focus on what you need to do.
  • You are easily distracted and avoid tasks and looping thoughts.
  • You are tired yet wired at the same time.
  • You find it difficult to complete projects and you jump from one thing to another.
  • You feel restless and discontent with your surroundings, yourself, and the people around you.

If you are experiencing any of these signs you are not alone. Everyone becomes ungrounded at times. It is not a matter of if, but when.

How We Become Ungrounded?

As humans we are electrical beings. Our bodies have electrons. However, free radicals steal our electrons and disrupt our electrical system. Free radicals come from pollution, smoke, pesticides, fried food, and radiation. We spend hours bathing in electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from electronic devices, cell phones, and laptops causing us to be ungrounded.

What is Grounding?

Grounding focuses on realigning your electrical energy by touching the ground barefoot. The Earth’s surface carries electrons so when we make direct skin contact with it, electrons flow into our bodies and spreads throughout the tissues. The grounding process neutralizes free radicals. Nobel Prize winner Richard Feynman discovered that, when grounded, our body becomes an extension of the Earth’s gigantic electric system and a “working agent that cancels, reduces, or pushes away electric fields from the body.”

Scientific Proven Benefits

The scientific research in “Earthing: Health Implications of Reconnecting the Human Body to the Earth’s Surface Electrons” (Journal of Environmental and Public Health January 12, 2012, Page 1) showed that the anti-inflammatory effects of grounding through the transfer of electrons improved human health. Benefits included improved immune function, improved circulation, increased energy, better sleep, pain and stress relief, and faster workout recovery.

Ancient History

Grounding is not some “new age”  fad. It’s found in Ayurvedic teachings from over 5,000 years ago. Traditional Chinese medicine, which is over 2,500 years old, practices earthing or grounding qi to balance and harmonize the body’s energy. “For the most part, Native Americans of the southern regions and the temperate regions of the north preferred to go barefoot, even in the snow.” –  

Grounding and Coherent Brainwaves

The electromagnetic field of the earth is 7.8 Hz which is also the same as the brainwave frequency of alpha-theta, which is known as the flow state. This allows us to function at optimum efficiency and coherence. These brainwaves are associated with insight, intuition, and inner peace. As a matter of fact, Steve Jobs, founder of Apple, was known for walking barefoot at school, work, and many of his meetings. He believed his most creative ideas arrived when walking barefoot. Considering how the world is forever changed by his contributions, he might have been onto something. 

The Brain Waves of Healers

For a decade, Robert Beck researched the brain wave activity of healers from all cultures and religious backgrounds. He enumerates psychics, shamans, dowsers, Christian healers, seers, ESP readers, kahuna, Santeria, Wicca practitioners, and others. Independent of their belief systems, each exhibited ‘nearly identical EEG signatures’ during their ‘healing’ moments. The 7.8-8Hz alpha-theta brainwaves lasted from one to several seconds and synchronized with the earth’s geoelectric micropulsations. – Lian Sidorov 

My Story 

As a child,  I was happiest during summers and weekends when I played barefoot outside. When indoors for too long, I became either agitated or depressed. Years later, when I adopted a vegan lifestyle, family members called me a  “hippie tree hugger.”  I didn’t understand why people hugged trees. I lacked understanding and judged it as something only “weirdos” did.  I swept it out of my mind. However, this topic continued to be brought to my attention. 

For example, a nature-loving friend of mine told me a story of a grounding practice used when kids were misbehaving. Whenever children acted out with hyperactive and disruptive behavior, they were instructed to go outside, dig a hole, and fill it up with water. They were to sit with their feet in the muddy water for twenty minutes or so. This calmed them down and their behavior improved. 

After performing massages on certain clients, I experienced dizziness and an “off” feeling. I asked my instructor why this was happening and what I needed to do about it. She asked me if I wore shoes while working. I did. She advised me to ground myself mentally and physically. It worked. 

This subject arose yet again, years later when my daughter watched Earthing and Grounding. She told me the films were fascinating, but it wasn’t until I underwent healing CPTSD (Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) that I truly understood just how powerful grounding was.

Brain Waves For Healing Trauma and Mental Health

In order to heal traumatic memories, we need to be in alpha-theta brainwaves. In theta, memories can safely resurface. In alpha, the memories can be processed. The Earth’s pulse falls precisely where the alpha and theta brain waves meet. Grounding acts as a master entrainment signal that synchronizes the frequencies of the heart, brain, and emotions. This coherent state reverses hyperarousal patterns, so inner conflicts are resolved and well-being is re-established.

Grounding Demonstration

In his YouTube video “About grounding and why I don’t wear shoes anymore. We are electrical beings.” Adrian Kuiper demonstrates the difference in energy levels when grounded and ungrounded using a voltmeter. The device has two wires with pins at the end, one red, and one black. The black pin goes into the ground and he holds the red pin in his hand. Now, while wearing shoes, the voltmeter reads about 1 volt. However, when he takes off his shoes and stands barefoot, the voltmeter reading increases to 55-65 volts demonstrating a dramatic difference.

When to Ground

Ground after emotionally charged situations, at work, school, or in personal relationships. When you’re stressed and overwhelmed, it helps regain focus and composure and helps you feel more stable and present. Ground after using electronic devices because it creates electrical coherence in the brain and body. Ground after traveling because it helps readjust your body to overcome jet lag. Grounding is great before meditation because it enhances its effectiveness. It’s also excellent to do before sleep as it improves the quality of rest.

The Difference Between Grounding and Earthing

These are similar and yet different. Earthing is being connected via direct barefoot contact and grounding is being connected via grounding wires or products such as mats, shoes, and pads.

How to Ground 

When you are outdoors walk barefoot on grass, soil, or sand. Swim in the ocean, soak in mineral hot springs, or play in a saltwater pool. When you are indoors, consider using grounding products such as mats, sheets, blankets, and grounding socks. You can even make your own grounding shoes. Go the extra mile, by creating an electronic-free bedroom. We spend many hours in our bedroom sleeping. It’s a great idea to reduce electrical interference from electric blankets and heaters, fluorescent lights, light dimmers, cell phones, computers, televisions, transformers, and Wi-Fi modems. If that doesn’t work for you, simply purchase an EMF bed canopy that is made from a fabric that shields against electromagnetic frequencies.

Understanding the power of grounding has deepened my love for the outdoors and provided me with the scientific answers to why I am happiest in nature. It’s an essential part of my life. I incorporate it into my work routine by spending five minutes outside on the earth between work sessions. This gentle recharge provides me with stamina, while caffeine just can’t compete.

Take Inspired Action

Perform a grounding practice for the next thirty days by spending twenty minutes outside enjoying the sun and fresh air. See if you notice your mind becoming clearer, feeling more peaceful, and grounded in life.

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