Posts Tagged "kale chips"

Ways to Eat Your Greens

Posted By on Nov 3, 2009

I am always recommending that people consume 2 bunches of leafy greens (about 2 lbs.) a day and the most common responses I receive are, “Why are greens so important?”Followed by, “How do I prepare them?” I decided to prepare a list of ideas and recipes for you to get you started. Once you get the hang of it I am sure you’ll be creating awesome recipes yourself.

If you don’t know the importance of eating greens I recommend the book Green for Life . I just watched Greens Can Save Your Life and it has so much valuable information. It’s incredibly important to vary your greens. Here is a list of common leafy greens that you can use in the following recipes. The cool thing about adding two bunches of leafy greens to your diet is that it gradually squeezes out the “junk” that we shouldn’t be eating. Instead of just eliminating foods and wondering what to eat I like to start by ADDING to your current diet and then after fitting in your quota of greens see how much room is left for the other “stuff”.


  • Wheatgrass Orange Juice
  • Green Lemonade or a fast version I use is: 2 T lemon juice, 1 packet of stevia, 2 T of juiced greens & 8 oz water.
  • Check out Mehgan chugging down this green drink version with TONS of Vitamineral Green. WOW!
  • Kale & jicama juice: juice 1 bunch kale w/ 1 jicama (peeled) This tastes much like an unripe banana. Don’t ask how, but it does!
  • Green Juice: 1 bunch spinach, 1 head celery, and 1 cucumber ( this is a common juice prepared at Tree of Life)
  • RawModel’s Spicy Green MSM Tonic


Savory Green Energy Soups (Benefits)


  • Alexis’s Massaged Green Salad ( mash it together with your hands)

    1/2 (or more) bunch kale chopped
    1 ripe mango chopped
    1/2 ripe avo chopped
    1 small, ripe lemon juiced
    1 jalapeno diced
    1 green onion chopped

  • Check out this video w/ my kids preparing a Massaged Greens Salad
  • Prepare Zucchini Hummus ( minus lemon, cumin, paprika & added red bell pepper, & cayenne pepper ) and massage it into a green of your choice. I like spinach myself.
  • Courtney’s Spirulina Salad


  • Shake a bag of lettuce with a squeeze of lemon or lime in a bag and eat them fresh like chips.
  • Kale Chips


If you have a favorite green recipe, don’t hesitate to share it in the comments below!

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