#12 Bikini Body Challenge Update: 115 lbs

Posted By Lori on Jul 8, 2011 | 2 comments

Look, it’s no secret that I struggled with weight loss. I’ve been there done that, and I blasted my journey on the Internet & I have done it all. I have sabotaged myself, overwhelmed myself, procrastinated, overate, ate junk food, got distracted, and didn’t always follow through. I did it on my own and it took me over 2 years to get here!

I don’t want that for you. Now that I have rocked out my bikini body I want to help you get your body rocking too! I have created a program that I WISH existed when I was trying to lose weight. I want to provide you with a structure and a coach so you get there fast and have a blast doing it!

Check out my “Bikini Body Program” for more information on how you can rock your body in a bikini!


  1. Hey Lori, I was interested in participating in the Bikini Body Program, but can’t seem to find a link that leads me to the order page.

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    • Hey Sarah, here is the link: http://www.bikinibodyprogram.com/

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