Posts made in October, 2009

How to Eat Simple & Healthy

Posted By on Oct 20, 2009

Q: Lori, I’d love to see a sample of your food menu (breakfast, lunch, dinner) for a week! I am really trying to eat raw food but have the hardest time finding new (and somewhat easy) things to make.

A: As the months become colder I find it less appealing to drink cold smoothies. Instead, I find veggie juices easier to drink since they aren’t cold. I also do not eat 100% raw in the cooler months, but I am still eating lots of veggies and fruits. Sometimes, it will be as simple to eat just fresh fruit like bananas, steamed veggies or even veggie soup for breakfast. I am also known to drink lots of hot herbal tea throughout the day to stay warm. However, just to give you an idea of what I am eating around this time of year here is a sample for the cooler months. I keep it pretty simple since I don’t care to spend my day in the kitchen. Every now & then I get a culinary itch, but for the most part my cooler months are looking like this:

Day 1
1- Coconut water, 4 bananas
2- 2 steamed yams w/ sea salt, cinnamon, & coconut oil
3- 2 apples
4- Homemade Veggie Soup: carrot, celery, onion, tomatoes, potato, Swiss chard, peas, corn, zucchini, etc
5- 2 bananas

Day 2
1- 3 apples + coconut water
2- 3 cups of steamed peas w/ coconut oil & sea salt
3- 3 pears
4- steamed butternut squash w/ coconut oil & sea salt
5 – 2 bananas

Day 3
1- 24 oz veggie juice- celery, spinach, cucumber
2 – steel cut oats w/ cinnamon, dates/honey, sea salt, bit of coconut oil
3- celery, cucumber, red bell pepper, & baby carrots w/ red pepper zucchini hummus
4- trail mix- raisins, walnuts, cranberries, cashews, pistachios, almonds, currants

Day 4
1- 24 oz green smoothie (pineapple, strawberries, kale, banana). Check out this video of our first green smoothie.
2- 2 bananas w/ almond butter, coconut water
3- sautéed kale, mushrooms, onion w/ coconut oil & sea salt
4- steamed spaghetti squash w/ raw marinara

Day 5
1- 24 oz romaine, celery, cucumber juice
2- pineapple chunks, coconut water
3- sauteed kale, Swiss Chard, Collards, & spinach w/ onions, coconut oil & sea salt
4- homemade veggie soup, 2 bananas

I recently bought some black rice to add to soups, or to make w/ peas, carrots, mushrooms, celery & onion. I even thought I would blend the meat of a thai coconut and make a creamy mushroom sauce for a richer meal.

Day 6
24 hour fast
Sometimes I will drink water, herbal tea plain, veggie juice or coconut water, other times I just drink water.

Day 7
1- Fresh fruit like bananas for breakfast (if any)
2- Splurge on a raw restaurant -for example if I go to:
Au Lac-I like the Song Salad & Raw Taco
Juliano’s Planet Raw– I have something diferent everytime, last time I had raw lasagna & some pumpkin dessert
I normally won’t eat anything for the rest of the day since I feel pretty heavy afterwards.

My Goal
Drink veggie juice everyday

I eat very simply and stick mostly to what is in season. The fruit and veggies vary on the time of year. I know that since I am not eating 100% raw at this time I need to kick the greens and veggie juice into high gear. However, on warmer days I find myself eating 100% raw like veggies w/ zucchini hummus, green smoothies, fresh fruit, trail mix, and simple garden salad w/a diluted guacamole as a dressing.

When I am on the go I pack the following:
zucchini hummus or guacamole w/ veggies (tomatoes, celery, carrots, mushrooms, cucumber, red bell pepper, etc)
Fresh fruit: apples, bananas, pears
Trail mix

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Hey Lori,
I got a chance to check out your website and I really resonated with it since you have been through plenty of bad relationships yourself. I was wondering if you could help me heal from all the baggage it left. I just don’t want to be the old me anymore and want to stop living in my story. It seems whenever someone gets close to me it starts getting ugly hence the reason why I have been staying to myself lately, but I do like being social and eventually want a healthy sound relationship. Every time I try it seems like I am stuck talking about my ex’s big no no. I don’t know how to gain closure over all this mess.

This led me to the raw food lifestyle and have been embracing it well, but then I splurge every now and then and don’t like being addicted to cooked foods anymore either. I feel like a complete mess and need to get it all together so I can take my board exam for medical school soon. Yikes!! today I just heard my past reiterated from a male who was trying to get to know me and well it led to an emotionally messy me and then I went back down the spiral not eating well and not being able to sleep. Can you help?

When the going gets tough, you fall off your raw food regimen. This is a situation where you are emotionally shutting out what you are experiencing through food. Raw foods actually clear pathways and what you feel is more intense. When you are raw you are alert and clear headed. Emotional eating tells me you are holding back from healing. Your heart wants to heal, but your head is stuck on the past rather than the vision you hold for yourself. The past has no power so stop giving your power to it.

Talking about your ex’s “big no no” tells me that you are BLAMING others and you haven’t gotten over it. Take the pain you experienced in relationships and turn it inward so that you could learn to make finer distinctions in your relationships. Take full RESPONSIBILITY for where you are and what happened because YOU allowed it to happen. Nobody can do anything to you, playing the victim role only harms you and does not serve you.

I can tell a lot about a person by what they choose to talk about. If they are complaining to me about someone else I know they are deflecting the energy from their inner core and trying to project it elsewhere. They are looking outside of themselves. What they want is validation. You do not need the world to say, “Oh, look at you…you poor thing. How could anybody do this to you?” That is not what you really want.

If there is anyway I can help you heal from your baggage and gain closure it is to FORGIVE yourself. You are here to grow and learn. We are supposed to make mistakes because with each one we get a bit better. ALLOW yourself to explore and grow. You need to feel your VALUE as a person.

In this life we are faced with reflections of our internal state by our relationships, our finances, our career, our home. How do those look to you? If they look a mess it’s probably because you feel a mess internally. Remember that everything in life you are complaining about you are guilty of yourself. When you want to complain go inward and take actions to improve yourself. Start acting like the person you wish to be and soon you will be that person. Treat yourself the way you wished others treated you and soon your self RESPECT will flourish and you will find yourself around others who respect you as well. How do you expect anyone to truly love and respect you if you can’t even love, respect, and accept yourself?

You serve no one in beating yourself up. If you want to be loved…love yourself. Do all the things you want someone else to do for you and do them for yourself. Your love will illuminate and you will have that spark within you. Soon you’ll be surrounded with people who love you because the outer physical world is just a mere reflection of your internal state. I commend you on your raw food journey! You are on track! Keep eating raw foods as you go through this sticky “mess”. Feel it, experience it, grow from it, and move forward into that “new you” you say you want to be.

Book: The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship: A Toltec Wisdom Book
Blog Article: You are Worthy of Love

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“Our Deepest Fear… is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God/Divine Spirit. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God within us. It is not just in some of us, it is in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
– Marianne Williamson

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I have been a bit in a stir since returning back home after the Conscious Growth Workshop. This event was truly a life shifting experience. It shed light on things that I didn’t even realize were effecting me so deeply. It offered plenty of challenges, actions, and solutions to obstacles I have been facing. It challenged me to step up to the game of life and stop being a coward on things that I know my heart has been calling me to do just because it’s safe.

In addition, the energy shift in the group was insane. I started Day 1 feeling a bit shy and out of my element. The exercises were challenging at first, but I gained confidence with each one. I realized how much in my head I have become and it is a nice shift to walk into this world with an open heart and a desire to give and share with others. At the end of Day 3 I was surrounded with love and support. I felt like I made a new family. People really opened up and shared themselves. Barriers and walls came down and people felt safe to be themselves. It was amazing to see the courage and willingness people expressed to grow in a way that brings fulfillment into their lives as well as contribute good to the world.

I am honored to have shared this experience with so many beautiful people and I look forward to seeing the growth that comes from being in alignment with Truth, Love and Power. Here are some of the realizations I had at the workshop and some practical actions I am applying into my life.

Realization 1
I have a limited social life offline.

I want to expand and interact with growth oriented people on a consistent basis.

Attend weekly social gatherings that support conscious growth.

Realization 2
I have given my power away by making excuses for why I am not engaging in a romantic relationship.

To enjoy an intimate physical relationship with a conscious man who challenges me and nurtures me as well.

Accept dating invitations.
Approach men that I am attracted to rather than shy away.

Realization 3
I feel very insecure about my body.

To feel like an empowered goddess and shine in the realization of who I am and the gifts that I have to share with others.

Compliment myself daily in the mirror for what I love rather than where I lack.
Honor my body with daily exercise.
To love foods that love me back (high green raw food diet)!

Realization 4
I waste time and feel scattered.

To make the most of my time, feel effective, & intentional.

Log my time for 24 hours
Do a 30 day trial to wake up by 6 AM & make the first hour of my day the most effective.

Realization 5
I feel comfortable yet complacent in my home life, but I am afraid to move.

To live in a more inspiring environment.

Set the intention and attract a better living environment.

Realization 6
Money does not dictate what my actions are. I refuse to allow the belief that I am limited by money.

I would like to attract financial abundance into my life. Live my life according to my intuition and not by my bank account balance.

Act on financial growth opportunities

Realization 7
I have been shying away from taking the next step with my career.
I fear public speaking.

To feel passionate and make a positive contribution.
To inspire people on a larger scale & do more public speaking on personal empowerment.

Engage in public speaking opportunities.
Share my life publicly and authentically.

I feel a stronger passion to live my truth and a desire with action steps that take me in the direction of my dreams. I encourage you to open yourself up to the life you deserve to live. I will be sharing my experiences along the way. I know that no one is perfect, but it’s not about the end result but the journey along the way. It’s about becoming more genuine and really connecting with people and taking actions that are worthy of me.

I am inspired to act! 😉

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Magic Mountain & Steve Pavlina

Posted By on Oct 1, 2009

While Steve was in So Cal he invited me and my kids to go to Magic Mountain. My kids had never been & I thought it would be fun. The plan was to have Emily (Steve’s daughter) with us. Unfortunately she came down with a fever the night before and was unable to go & Erin & Kyle don’t particularly like roller coasters.

My kids did OK, but honestly Meg was still pretty freaked out by them. Especially since our first ride was X2. WHOA! That ride really whips ya around! So, I think that it freaked Meg out so much she was leery of all the other rides. I was able to coax her onto a few more rides. She loved all the water rides. I didn’t show how soaked I was in the video, but let me tell you I was SOAKED!

We hit up all the rides: X2, Terminator, DeJaVu, Riddler, Batman, Ninja, Tatsu, Jet Stream, Log Jammer, Roaring Rapids, Goliath, Scream, Colossus, Viper, & Revolution.

I had not been to an amusement park in a long time, but I didn’t take into consideration my car accident in 2005 where I experienced vertigo. So, unfortunately I did get a little queasy and my head got whacked around a bit. I have been dealing with some nausea and dizziness since the trip so I plan on getting this vertigo treatment. It worked in the past so I am sure it will work.

Unfortunately, we were told that vegan burgers were sold at the amusement park, but that was false. We even searched high and low for fruits and veggies, but only found roasted corn. It’s too bad they search you down and won’t let you bring in outside food. We ended up eating fries which put my son into french fry coma. He wasn’t feeling very good, but it eventually wore off. So, if I go again I am definitely packing my own food. I’ll go to my car and eat…that’s fine, but Magic Mountain is definitely not raw or vegan friendly.

This weekend I am attending Steve’s Conscious Growth Workshop in Las Vegas. I can’t wait to report back to you what I experience. I know it will be a blast! So stay tuned for more info!

BTW, I have apologized for being so bratty to Steve….. So Pavlina fans…..don’t go after me at the workshop! 😉

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