30 Days of Fitness- Week 2 Update

Posted By Lori on Aug 18, 2009 | 0 comments

Week 2 Workout Wrap Up
I added another goal of consuming 96 oz. of water daily. It’s summertime and with all the extra working out I really feel hydration is key. Normally I go for 1/2 my body weight in ounces, but find sometimes I stay out of the fridge more if I am drinking more water. 🙂

10 miles of walking/running
2- 90 min yoga sessions
Drink 96 oz water daily (weekly total: 5.25 gallons)

Completed Weekly Total
20 miles- Walk/Run
2- 90 min Yoga Sessions
1- pool cardio exercises,
1- 45 min easy stretch yoga
5.25 gallons of water

Day 8
3 mile walk
96 oz H2O

Day 9
5 mile run/walk in 60:05
96 oz H2O

Day 10
90 min yoga session
3 mile walk/run
96 oz H2O

Day 11
4 mile walk
96 H2O

Day 12
5 mile run/walk: 55:50
96 oz H2O

Day 13
90 min yoga session
96 oz H2O

Day 14
30 min pool workout
45 min easy yoga stretch class

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