30 Days of Fitness- Week 4 Update

Posted By Lori on Aug 30, 2009 | 8 comments

Last week I had the goal to refrain from eating past 6 pm. I had a really hard time with it and most of the days I did eat past 6. I decided to ease up on myself and just do whatever felt best. As soon as I let myself “off the hook” I suddenly lost the desire to eat past 6. Go figure! I think it has something to do with the mindset of “I MUST” versus “I CHOOSE”. Heck, even I get confused by my mind. I can sympathize with the men on the weird workings of a woman’s mind. 🙂

My Goals
Wk 1: walk 5 miles + 2 90 min yoga sessions
Wk 2: walk 10 miles + 90 min yoga sessions + drink 96 oz H20
Wk 3: walk 15 miles + 2 90 min yoga sessions+ no food past 6 pm
Wk 4: walk 20 miles + 2 90 min yoga sessions + try again on no food past 6 pm

Day 22
Completed a 4 mile walk
No food past 6 pm
96 oz H20

Day 23- Got my A$$ kicked in Power Yoga
2 mile walk
Completed 2 hours of power yoga – holy smokes I was drenched in sweat along w/ my mat & hand towel. I practically looked like I got out of the shower and put on my wet clothes straight out of the washing machine. Although this may sound gross to some of you, it felt like bliss. I was literally stoned on oxygen. I haven’t been to my favorite Sunday class in ages and man, I was worked so intensely that I was seriously blissed out. I don’t think anything could have upset me. I had no energy for it. Angry or frustrated peeps- give power yoga a shot. It’ll take the fight right out of ya! 😉
96 oz H20
No food past 6 pm- I went to Raw by Juliano in Santa Monica. I haven’t been in about 6 months. I shared a shake (dunno which one) which was really good, the Ariel salad (made w/ seaweeds and spirulina along w/ other greens (tasted fantastic), spring rolls (a fav of mine), and of course my all time fave: Strawberry Mousse (practically orgasmic!) I always get great raw food there!

Day 24- Feeling a bit sore from yoga
4 mile walk- I haven’t been running lately because my knees have been a bit sore.
96 oz H20
No food past 6

Day 25- My friend told me my butt was looking perkier!
6 mile walk
96 oz H20
No food past 6

Day 26- A bit of fat held my appetite today
90 min yoga
4 mile walk
96 oz H20
No food past 6 – I actually ate a bit more fat this day and my last meal was at 1:15 pm. I made these yummy raw vegan “brownie bites” w/ my kids. The base was nut & I think it held my appetite longer. I had about 3 Tablespoons worth. Every now and then a little fat in the diet feels good as long as it’s my last meal of the day. Plus I made a pesto (more fat) w/ beet noodles and marinara w/ zucchini noodles & then just mixed them together. Yum! I won’t let too much fat be a regular part of my diet, just here and there.

Day 27- My tummy is looking flatter (prob because no food past 6 )
Walk- 6 miles
96 oz H20
No food past 6- I really wanted to eat late because I found that I am sleeping about 2 hours less a night by not consuming food past 6 pm. I just feel light and alert even into the late hours. I found it hard to sleep this night. I never felt like I really slept, just rested. Reminded me of how I felt on extended fasts and I slept very little perhaps 2-3 hours a night.

Day 28- I made it another week! Feeling like a champ right now.
Walk- 6 miles – My knees are still achey, either from adapting to all the walking or the fact that I am walking and was running on concrete.
96 oz H20
No food past 6 pm- Woo hoo! I made it a week without eating past 6. I have to say this does have a profound affect on my appetite, my energy, my metal clarity, and really aids in weight loss. This is definitely something that is crucial in my weight loss journey.

Completed Goals
Walk- 32 miles WOW! That’s 12 miles more than I planned on getting in. I felt that I had to add more walking to make up for the fact that I wasn’t running this week.
Yoga- 2 1/2 hours in 2 sessions
H20- 96 0z everyday! I felt best when I had 48 oz before I even had breakfast.
No food past 6 pm every day. This really made a difference in my gut health. I felt that this kept my appetite in control. Perhaps it allowed more time for my tummy to shrink. I am known to be able to eat major quantities of food, which is why 80/10/10 seems to work well when I adhere to it.


  1. >You are incredibly disciplined! I've been working out more lately because of reading your blog and while my biggest feat is jogging 1 mile, that's 1 more mile than I could have jogged last month.
    Thank you!

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  2. >You are incredibly disciplined! I've been working out more lately because of reading your blog and while my biggest feat is jogging 1 mile, that's 1 more mile than I could have jogged last month.
    Thank you!

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  3. >Congrats Lori! I try not to eat past 8pm. It is hard, sometimes I do better than others. I do agree that if you do not put so much pressure to do something, then it is easier to accomplish it.

    Post a Reply
  4. >Congrats Lori! I try not to eat past 8pm. It is hard, sometimes I do better than others. I do agree that if you do not put so much pressure to do something, then it is easier to accomplish it.

    Post a Reply
  5. >Lori, your blog has been very inspiring to me. I recently found it and always look forward to your honest posts. I'm newer to the raw world and the information on your site has been very helpful. Much thanks!

    Post a Reply
  6. >Lori, your blog has been very inspiring to me. I recently found it and always look forward to your honest posts. I'm newer to the raw world and the information on your site has been very helpful. Much thanks!

    Post a Reply
  7. >An insightfull post. Will definitely help.

    Karim – Mind Power

    Post a Reply
  8. >An insightfull post. Will definitely help.

    Karim – Mind Power

    Post a Reply

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