A Green Smoothie

Posted By Lori on Dec 5, 2008 | 4 comments

Can you believe how much spinach is in this thing? I did add more peaches and if I had another banana I would have added that too. My son did like it less sweet though.

I have noticed my kids are more receptive to green smoothies if they make it. They used to cringe at the sight of a green smoothie, but now that we are making them daily, they don’t even think about it. I know color plays a huge role in how we perceive something to taste. It seems to work best that all our smmothies are green right now, because I am sure if I made a pink smoothie they would think it tasted better. Maybe I should do a blindfolded experiment and do a taste test… sounds fun. 🙂


  1. >I love reading that kids are enjoying green smoothies! I can’t wait til the day I have my own and I share green smoothies with them 🙂


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  2. >I love reading that kids are enjoying green smoothies! I can’t wait til the day I have my own and I share green smoothies with them 🙂


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  3. >dropping by to say hi, I always love to read your articles.

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  4. >dropping by to say hi, I always love to read your articles.

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