August 2009 Challenge 30 Days of Fitness

Posted By Lori on Aug 12, 2009 | 0 comments

Week One Wrap Up

Weekly Goal
5 miles of walking
2- 90 min yoga sessions

Day 1
2 mile walk & circuit training: tricep dips off couch, 3 way partner ab/oblique exercise (where one person lies down & holds onto the ankles and raises up their legs while the standing partner pushes the feet down), modified push ups, & jumping jacks.

Day 2
Easy 6 mile walk over a 2 hour period (chat time)

Day 3
90 minutes of Sunrise Yoga Sweat
4 mile walk in 60 minutes

Day 4
5 mile walk

Day 5
2 mile walk

Day 6
90 minutes of Sunset Yoga

Day 7
2 mile walk

Total Completed
21 miles of walking
2- 90 min yoga sessions
1 circuit training session

How about you? Comment below your workout wrap up!

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