Becoming an Ethical Entrepreneur

Posted By Lori on Feb 16, 2011 | 6 comments


The biggest mistake people make in life is not trying to make a living at doing what they most enjoy.” – Malcolm S. Forbes




  1. >Hey Lori,

    I am not an expert and internet marketing yet but it's something on my list of skills to get involved with.

    What came to mind as you were talking is the creation of a Master Mind group around this.

    Any plans for that? If so, I'd be interested in participating.

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  2. >correction "at internet marketing"

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  3. >so yummy! Thanks for sharing!
    xo – Penni

    Post a Reply
  4. >I LOVE caesar dressings. Having a variety of good salad dressings is vital for sticking to a raw food diet especially at first as it can make or break a salad.

    Post a Reply
  5. >Thanks Lori! You read my mind I've been looking for a good raw caesar!! xo

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  6. >Hi Lori!

    I also have been thinking about this track lately! I look forward to following your journey. I have just hired a website developer. I am scared to death, as it is expensive – I will be paying the project out monthly for a year, so now the challenge is to bring in the income to make that monthly payment – but I am leaping feet first!

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