Being a Conscious Consumer

Posted By Lori on Nov 28, 2008 | 6 comments

I can’t help but wonder what my shopping habits have on the world. If I can do anything to turn it around….I will…..wait, I am . 🙂


  1. >Happy shopping.
    Great blog U have here, come n visit my site sometimes at the other part of the globe.
    There is a saying in Indonesia
    “wanita cantik untuk dunia bukan untuk negara” in other word “beautiful woman is for the world not a nation”
    come visit me…OK

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  2. >Happy shopping.
    Great blog U have here, come n visit my site sometimes at the other part of the globe.
    There is a saying in Indonesia
    “wanita cantik untuk dunia bukan untuk negara” in other word “beautiful woman is for the world not a nation”
    come visit me…OK

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  3. >There is so much we can do about it, too. Which is a wonderful thought. The power of change is in each of us. :o)

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  4. >There is so much we can do about it, too. Which is a wonderful thought. The power of change is in each of us. :o)

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  5. >I love this video. I had it on my blog several months back. I watched it with my children and it really helped them to understand more about how much everything really costs and how little we actually need. This is a fun way to spread the Story of Stuff 🙂

    Post a Reply
  6. >I love this video. I had it on my blog several months back. I watched it with my children and it really helped them to understand more about how much everything really costs and how little we actually need. This is a fun way to spread the Story of Stuff 🙂

    Post a Reply

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