Carpal Tunnel Syndrom Relief- Self Help

Posted By Lori on Aug 28, 2009 | 8 comments


  1. >thorough!

    wish I didn't need this information, thanks for posting 😉


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  2. >thorough!

    wish I didn't need this information, thanks for posting 😉


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  3. >Awesome Lori, those are very very helpful and easy to do. Thank you for sharing and giving me more
    ways to manage my CTS.

    Post a Reply
  4. >Awesome Lori, those are very very helpful and easy to do. Thank you for sharing and giving me more
    ways to manage my CTS.

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  5. >I had carpal tunnel after my 3rd child was born(almost dropped him once!yikes)I used EFT (emotional freedom technique)and am completely healed!

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  6. >I had carpal tunnel after my 3rd child was born(almost dropped him once!yikes)I used EFT (emotional freedom technique)and am completely healed!

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  7. >Hi Lori,
    I have to tell you, this is great, great information. Really helpful. So glad I found your blog!

    Casual Kitchen

    Post a Reply
  8. >Hi Lori,
    I have to tell you, this is great, great information. Really helpful. So glad I found your blog!

    Casual Kitchen

    Post a Reply

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