Courage to Follow a Dream

Posted By Lori on Mar 25, 2009 | 20 comments

My dream has been to open a wellness center for over 7 years now. As I evolve and continue to learn I have decided I want to establsih a tropical, sustained Eco-Village/ Retreat. There are many places that offer similiar features that I would like to model my place after.

Location Model: Pangaia
Non-profit Educational Training Center Models: Ann Wigmore Institute in Puerto Rico, or Dr. Gabriel Cousens The Tree of Life in Patagonia, AZ)

Sustainable living
Health- raw food nutrition, physical fitness (yoga & outdoor recreation)
Spirituality & Self Expression/ Self Love/ Self Discovery/ Self Realization
Nature- connection to the land through food & living environment

Off the Grid- solar power, passive cooling/heating, rain water collection & filtration, grey water system, composting system for toilets & garden clippings.
Sustainable food with Permaculture/Organic Edible landscaping (surplus sold: co-op, farmers market, organic produce delivery)

Tree house bungalows w/private outdoor garden showers
Communal Area: kitchen, dining, media library, gathering room, yoga/massage deck, indoor shower/bathroom, laundry

Daily Services
Raw meals provided
Morning meditation/beach walks
Classes and Adventure Activites
Sunset fireside luau celebration w/ live musical talent

Classes, Workshops, Training courses
live food nutrition/purification & natural hygiene
yoga teacher training
spirituality / self empowerment
Homegrown food self reliance workshops
Feature guest speakers/ talent from around the world

Adventure Activities
Nature Hikes (medicinals, edibles, tropical fruit/botany, wildlife)
Surf, snorkle, kayak, swim
Bike rides
Zip line, paintball , skydive, parasail, rock climb
Horseback riding

The first steps are:
Intern at an established location to clarify vision and gain experience
Establish a non-profit team & obtain grant writers
Attract interested parties


  1. >Sounds fantastic! I would love to visit a place like that! 🙂 Good luck with your dream, I know it can happen!

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  2. >Sounds fantastic! I would love to visit a place like that! 🙂 Good luck with your dream, I know it can happen!

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  3. >I like it Lori. It will be something I would enjoy in some capacity. Smiles. Thank you for the post. -Jordan “Real Thinker”

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  4. >I like it Lori. It will be something I would enjoy in some capacity. Smiles. Thank you for the post. -Jordan “Real Thinker”

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  5. >Yeah, that way you can create franchises some day have them all over the globe? Inspire2Act getaway Oasis retreat! yeah
    You can do; your personality is so energizing! you are going to draw a ton of people in and change the world with such a rivetting attitude. serious I have been inspired watching you; you are very pleasingto watch and I am sure to be around. A fireball of energy..God bless you Lori
    (yeah that weird guy! hahahah)

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  6. >Yeah, that way you can create franchises some day have them all over the globe? Inspire2Act getaway Oasis retreat! yeah
    You can do; your personality is so energizing! you are going to draw a ton of people in and change the world with such a rivetting attitude. serious I have been inspired watching you; you are very pleasingto watch and I am sure to be around. A fireball of energy..God bless you Lori
    (yeah that weird guy! hahahah)

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  7. >My advice to is this; Expect Mistakes they are a part of live. Before I became a network engineer i made a lot of mistakes. as i get more into my field, i make what i call calculated mistakes but know this mistakes are their get informed like you do with all the great people around you and you will succeeed. we are all cheering you on as we make our way to the top of what our dreams are. You can do it. Life was made to be lived and fall down and get up and run and laugh..I would rather do that than sit on my butt and watch life go by and watch others live life. That is why I dont watch much TV. why watch others unless inspire2act stuff live life be inspired and do it yourself. you are very young and in your prime lori you are going to rock!

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  8. >My advice to is this; Expect Mistakes they are a part of live. Before I became a network engineer i made a lot of mistakes. as i get more into my field, i make what i call calculated mistakes but know this mistakes are their get informed like you do with all the great people around you and you will succeeed. we are all cheering you on as we make our way to the top of what our dreams are. You can do it. Life was made to be lived and fall down and get up and run and laugh..I would rather do that than sit on my butt and watch life go by and watch others live life. That is why I dont watch much TV. why watch others unless inspire2act stuff live life be inspired and do it yourself. you are very young and in your prime lori you are going to rock!

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  9. >What up sexy Goddess!! Love all the ideas and have had many of the same visions! 🙂 FUN!!! I am looking forward to your dream realized!

    I am currently at the Optimum Health Institute and it rocks!!

    Love & Love,


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  10. >What up sexy Goddess!! Love all the ideas and have had many of the same visions! 🙂 FUN!!! I am looking forward to your dream realized!

    I am currently at the Optimum Health Institute and it rocks!!

    Love & Love,


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  11. >Lori, You can do anything you put your mind to and your mind is right on target!! You have everything inside of you that you will need on this journey. Tap into it! Enjoy every step, that is what true success is. Continue to pursue your dreams. Have an AMAZING day!


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  12. >Lori, You can do anything you put your mind to and your mind is right on target!! You have everything inside of you that you will need on this journey. Tap into it! Enjoy every step, that is what true success is. Continue to pursue your dreams. Have an AMAZING day!


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  13. >Sounds like a fabulous idea. Now just change your language from “I have a dream,” or “I have a vision,” to “I am going to…” and believe it with all your heart.

    Then let the universe arrange the details and follow your intuition. I would come to your retreat 🙂

    Post a Reply
  14. >Sounds like a fabulous idea. Now just change your language from “I have a dream,” or “I have a vision,” to “I am going to…” and believe it with all your heart.

    Then let the universe arrange the details and follow your intuition. I would come to your retreat 🙂

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  15. >Lauren: Thank you so much for your support. Be prepared to see my journey of this too! I can't wait to share it all!

    Jordan: Thank you!

    Robert: I am totally prepared for life to throw me loops. I know things don't go as I expect, but the "mistakes" are always right on in the end! Plus, I'll be sharing all my experiences on video too!

    Alexandra: I had a dream about you! We need to chat! I thought we should team up and do a project together.

    Twinkie & Joann: Literally my heart beat a little faster reading your comments. I am thnkful for your support and kind input! I am so excited I shared this on video!I am believing with ALL MY HEART!

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  16. >Lauren: Thank you so much for your support. Be prepared to see my journey of this too! I can't wait to share it all!

    Jordan: Thank you!

    Robert: I am totally prepared for life to throw me loops. I know things don't go as I expect, but the "mistakes" are always right on in the end! Plus, I'll be sharing all my experiences on video too!

    Alexandra: I had a dream about you! We need to chat! I thought we should team up and do a project together.

    Twinkie & Joann: Literally my heart beat a little faster reading your comments. I am thnkful for your support and kind input! I am so excited I shared this on video!I am believing with ALL MY HEART!

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  17. >That sounds amazing! Best of luck achieving your dream. 🙂

    Post a Reply
  18. >That sounds amazing! Best of luck achieving your dream. 🙂

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