Day 14 Fitness Challenge: Rebounder

Posted By Lori on Sep 14, 2011 | 6 comments


My Story with Rebounding

I have always loved jumping on the big trampoline with my kids, but a couple years passed that I hadn’t bounced. One day I decided to go and jump on the rebounder and  I was stunned with how sore my lower abs & pelvic floor muscles were!  I couldn’t remember the last time those muscles were so sore! I wonder if it plays a role in improved sexual performance and pleasure. Hmmm… 🙂

Some of the Many Benefits of Rebounding

  • Bloating puffy water retention is eliminated/reduced
  • Rebounding enhances digestion and elimination processes
  • Eases menstrual discomfort
  • Low impact- easy on joints
  • Fun
  • Brings variety to exercise regime
  • Massive lymphatic flush (which in turns puts the body in major clean house mode and improves immune function) Vigorous exercise such as rebounding is reported to increase lymph flow by 15 to 30 times.
  • Strengthened pelvic floor muscles
  • Your face gets firmer!!! Each cell of your body is like a balloon. This exercise puts them repeatedly under stress as they need to resist the increased G force (when the balloon reaches the maximum elongation). With time, the cell’s membrane get thicker, thus firmer, and gains elasticity.

Results from Rebounding

People who rebound find they are able to work longer, sleep better, and feel less tense and nervous. The effect is not just psychological, because the action of bouncing up and down against gravity, without trauma to the musculoskeletal system, is one of the most beneficial aerobic exercises ever developed.

Today’s Workout
30 min Rebounding
30 min bike

Still going strong! Are you?

’til tomorrow,








  1. Awesome!!! I adore rebounding. I do at least 4 days per week. So freakin great!!

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    • WOW! 4 days per week! Awesome! You should share your favorite moves! 🙂

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  2. I have to admit…I am in the really want to exercise, but can easily talk myself out of it stage…BUT your video absolutely made me want to go and buy a mini trampoline!!!  Following you on Facebook and Twitter now!!

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    • Oh yeah!!!! I cannot even begin to tell you all the other shifts that are taking place in my life because I made the choice to workout again!!! Your life will be better !

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  3. I started rebounding little while ago and love it; it’s easy to use, no loss of the energy on the bottom of the bounce (like on hard surface) and it gets out all the proteins trapped in the body for faster detox and healing, …and it’s really fun – you can’t bounce and be in bad mood !!! 🙂
    …and also – love your new website Lori, congrats and best wishes for continued success!

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    • Awesome tips! I didn’t know about that! Thank you for sharing! You are the best!

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