Day 19 Fitness Challenge: Get Creative & Appreciate

Posted By Lori on Sep 19, 2011 | 2 comments


Today’s Workout
60 min Zumba
60 min Yoga

How I am appreciating my body

  • I rest as much as my body needs
  • I keep myself optimally hydrated
  • I fuel my body with nutrient dense foods
  • I get daily sunshine all over my body (yep, in the nude!)
  • I take time to floss, wash my face at night, skin brush, and do all the grooming things that keep all the small details of me healthy
  • I check myself out in the mirror and see what is going right versus what I think is wrong.
  • I thank my body for going through daily exercise
  • I get regular massages.
  • I sweat daily (via workout or sauna)
  • I balance my body with flexibility, strength, balance, cardiovascular health.
  • I get outside in the fresh air and spend time in nature very regularly ( right now this is daily)
How about you? I’d love to hear how you are appreciating the gift of an able body by posting it in the comments below!
Until tomorrow,




Notes from the video:
* If you’d like to see all the ways I brainstormed working out see my list HERE.
* If you’d like to read the story about Drema click HERE.


  1. Thanks for sharing!

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