Day 20 Fitness Challenge: PMS & Fitness

Posted By Lori on Sep 20, 2011 | 0 comments

Today’s Workout
20 minute easy walk
60 min yoga

Check out this crazy PMS fact: 

PMS costs! Researchers at UCLA’s Cedars-Sinai Medical Center calculate that PMS costs $4,392 per year in direct medical costs, missed workdays, and lost productivity. In the 2005 study, researchers collected data 374 women aged eighteen to forty-five. Administrative health claims data showed that PMS cost $59 in direct costs each year and $4,333 indirect costs, such as missed workdays and lost productivity.

Think about how many days women are affected with PMS in a month. Let’s say 5 days a cycle you are feeling “off” . In a one year span that is 65 days a year of feeling less than stellar. That’s over 2 months!!! No way am I going to give away 2 months of my life per year to something that I can improve with healthy habits such as fitness and clean nutrition! Wait, think about that over the course of your life … THAT’S 6 YEARS over the course of your life!!! NO FREAKING WAY!

Cheers to happier, healhier women!!!

Love ya,



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