Day 3 Fitness Challenge: Hiking the Fire Road

Posted By Lori on Sep 3, 2011 | 14 comments

Today’s workout:
Zumba Class
Pilates Class
Walking up the hill you see in this video!

What did you do? and…….Are you LOVING how you move your body?

’til tomorrow,



  1. Thanks Lori!  Had a lovely 2 hour bike ride with my GF out in the sun today.  Had lots of excuses to not go: Road bike in gravel, Wearing flip-flops, Problems with bike hub slipping, Gut not feeling well.  I kept hearing Gillian ‘No excuses!’ and also really feeling my desire to get outside today!  None of those little problems matter when I really wanted to spent some QT out in the lovely Rocky Mountains with my girl!

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    • NICE!!! Take advantage of this gorgeous weather before it gets freaking cold!!!

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  2. Lori, do you have some ideas for exercising with my daughter?  I really struggle in getting my hour of exercise on the days I am with her.  I am usually full of fun ideas but I seem tapped out when it comes to doing things with her when she just wants to be inside on the computer.

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    • Ahh…. the best way to get moving with your daughter is to pick an activity SHE loves. It might be something like the batting cages or miniature golf to begin with. Once she gets used to doing stuff with you then you can branch out and brainstorm fun ideas together! I would love to create an obstacle course at the park and see if my kids can whip me! Sometimes my kids like to race me up the hill! The options are UNLIMITED, but know this…… the hardest is just getting started….after that it is all downhill. Plus, I make a rule…no internet til workout is in!

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  3. Did about 2 miles of walking around the track this morning, plus some bleachers at the high school track before my boys’ football game started (we had to be in SD at 630 this morning), so I decided to NOT sit on my booty and instead, to get my booty in gear.  Inspired 2 other ladies to join me, too!!  🙂

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    • You are so freaking awesome!!! I always worked out while my kids were at practice! I too noticed other moms getting off their booties too! Way to inspire them Sofia!!

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  4. 20 min powerwalk to my brothers house (had to babysit my adorable 2 month old niece ; ) – 20 min dancing around the house and being a nut with my boyfriend – 20 min 30 day shred dvd (jillian michaels) ,,,,

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  5. Today’s fitness was an hour run/walk around my little town, vigorous vacuuming 😉 haha, and  Lori’s donkey kicks to kick my butt! Yep, I am LOVING moving my body. Thanks for the inspiration Lori, to be sure I am enjoying the activities I choose. That ups my attitude along with my heart rate!

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    • Nice Jana! I bet that donkey kick booty will be able to bounce a quarter off it in no time…. that is, if you can’t already! 🙂

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  6. I just finished a workout video what was an hour long. Today my husband is taking me to the mountains. I’m going to go canoeing for the first time! Im excited and scared at the same time. I have a fear of water that i can’t see the bottom. When i was around 7 years old I got caught in kelp and almost drowned in the ocean.

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    • OMG!!!! How brave of you!!!! Let me know how it went! BTW, did you like the workout video? If so…do share ..

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