Day 30 Fitness Challenge: I DID IT!

Posted By Lori on Sep 30, 2011 | 2 comments

I did it ! I did it!!! Woo hoo I FREAKING DID IT!!!

Original Intention
Establish the healthy habit of daily exercise

30 min a day X 30 days= 15 hours

Actual Hours Completed
52 1/2 hours


  1. Make Your Workouts Fun- DONE!
  2. Incorporate  Variety- DONE!
  3. Incorporate Your Relationships (kids, lovers, friends, family, co-workers, etc..)- WANT TO DO MORE OF THIS!
  4. Work up a Sweat- DONE!
  5. Honor Your Intuition and Your Limitations (know the perfect balance of too much and not enough)- DONE! I feel stronger and am pain/injury free
  6. Get Good Rest (this will really help your workouts)- DONE! My typical sleep pattern is to rest between 10-6
  7. Breathe while working out. (try to keep it in a nice rhythm, even if it’s faster)- DONE!
  8. Hydrate (how else do you expect all the junk in your body to get washed out?)- NEEDS IMPROVEMENT, somedays I was inconsistent
  9. Exercise 30 mins Daily & post it as a comment on my blog- DONE!
  10. Leave Your Workout Spot in Better Condition than When You Showed Up- DONE! My house is spiffy too! 🙂
I have some areas I would like to improve, but overall I FAR surpassed my original goal! As far as my weight, measurements, and body fat go I did not measure those things for this challenge. I feel strongly that being fit and performing daily physical activities are just a natural part of a healthy lifestyle. I focused on enjoying my able body and watching myself grow. I have great momentum on a life long healthy habit and I am sure more physical results will continue to emerge!


Results- Physically
  • I feel firmer
  • I am stronger
  • I am more flexible
  • I have more balance and endurance
  • My skin is clearer
  • My rest is richer
Results- Spiritually
  • I am feeling more inspired
Results- Emotionally
  • I am feeling more emotionally stable
Results- Mentally
  • I am feeling mentally clearer
  • I am feeling more confident with my decision making
What’s Next for Fitness For ME!
Life is all about growth and expansion! To keep up the momentum I am doing the following things for myself:
  • Continue daily exercise of 30-60 minutes a day
  • Deepening my yoga, pilates, dance, gymnastics practices
What I Am Doing For YOU!


It is my pleasure to be able to support you and your fitness journey. To be of better service to YOU I am creating the following :

  • Wrapping up the formatting and editing of the Fitness Guide to hook you up with your fitness journey!
  • More blogs and videos!

I am here for you and I’ve got your back! 😉

With love,




P.S. – Don’t think I forgot to post my last workout! Here is what I did today


Today’s Workout
60 min walk w/ Hailee (the cutest Silky Terrier ever!)


  1. Congratulations! You go girl! I didn’t officially calculate how much I worked out, but I’m sure you’ve got me beat. That’s amazing 🙂

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    • Ahh girl! Thank you!!! Just remember it’s not about “beating” you or anyone, but just challenging me! 🙂 Love having you with me!!! 🙂

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