Day 5 Fitness Challenge: Kettlebell Training

Posted By Lori on Sep 5, 2011 | 6 comments

I absolutely love efficiency and I was thrilled to learn that kettle bell training hits cardio, flexibility, and strength training all in one awesome workout. PERFECT! I was amazed by how challenging the cardio was and I will find out how sore I am tomorrow! 😉

Training indoors couldn’t have happened on a better day considering it was gloomy. We had thunder and raining throughout the day.

Today is also a holiday and many of you have the day off with family. Rather than sit down and binge on food all day, how many of you are out being active? I am considering making fitness challenges for all my typical holiday celebrations (like Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, etc)  to get the focus off food and onto healthy fun! I am turning a new leaf on family tradition and starting my own!

Today’s Workout

Kettlebell Training Session with Naim Tinahui
Walk up the the hill 5x

I absolutely love training with Naim. He is gentle, yet tough. He doesn’t give into my whimpering and always follows it up with a positive affirmation that I CAN DO IT! A stellar trait of any personal trainer!

If you have any questions regarding this type of training or any physical training hit him up on the link above! He is down to answer your questions!

What did you do today? Post your workout below!

See ya tomorrow,



  1. Swimming in the rain….hiking to the library (it was closed, duh!) 🙂  and yoga stretching this morning and tonight!  Like I said, NO slacking!!  Happy Labor Day, Lori!!! Was inspired on a hike last week by the animals/insects that I observed….not one of them was slacking….they were ALL busy, busy doing something, while I thought, most humans, are at home in the afternoon, sitting on their butts!  NOT US!!  Rock it, Lori!  Kettlebells are awesome, btw! 

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  2. jillian michael 30 day shred dvd – 1/2 hr run – 10 min abs : )

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    • whoops i forgot to post yesterday (the last post was todays workout 09/06) yesterday I did jillian michaels 30 day shred and a 1/2 hr run (the same as today minus the ab workout)

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