Once I cleared my life out I found plenty of free time to invest in myself. I mentioned in the video I listened to several books on CD while I was cleaning out my house or getting ready to see clients, on my drives to yoga class, and so forth.
I didn’t have anyone in person to guide me so I used these materials to keep me going in a direction that was more positive.
Such materials were:
The Collection by Wayne Dyer
7 Habits of Highly Effective People
The 8th Habit
The Secret
What the Bleep Do We Know
Being in Balance
Ask & It is Given
The Inner Art of Meditation
How to Win Friends and Influence People
The Science of Getting Rich
I began to take responsibility for my life and where I was. I affirmed to myself that I was brave, bold and adventuresome. I was determined to make a U turn in the direction of my life and get back on track with where I saw myself. I knew I had potential. It was a matter of discovering it.
I realized everything was a reflection of me. If it was in my life and I didn’t like it, then it needed to go. It was time to rise from the ashes and make something for myself. But first I needed to CLEAN HOUSE and get everything out of my life so that I had room to fill up on the good stuff.
I went through every nook and cranny of my materialistic belongings. My clothes, makeup, toiletries, pantry, collection of books, DVDs, CDs , etc. I scoured my home while I scoured my body.
I began fasting. I just felt like cleaning the garbage out of my body too. I made sure my liver and colon were pristine. Then once all the food was out of my house. I decided I deserved the best. I no longer wanted to eat anything from a can or box. Processed and packaged food wasn’t fit for this body. The more I saw my body emulate the ideal version of me the more excited I was about nourishing it properly.
I even cleaned up the way I spoke. I honored the absent and spoke as though the person I was talking about was standing right next to me. I wouldn’t allow myself to speak poorly of anyone. I refrained from swearing and using words that were not worthy of the highest.
I stopped lying. I realized that if I felt I had to lie that I was doing things that I didn’t like. I also knew that lying was not accepting myself and it was only a reflection of that. This included little white lies. Besides, I didn’t want to attract liars in my life and I would ifI lied myself.
I detoxed all of my beliefs. I no longer accepted anything that I had been taught from religion, to limitations, to rules. I felt that I no longer was limited by time, energy, space or matter. There were no rules. I took on the attitude suggested by Wayne Dyer, ” Nobody knows enough to be a pessimist”.
I ditched my negative complaining about myself and others. I also stopped allowing others to dump their dis empowered drama on me. I didn’t want to hear how they were victims in their life. I didn’t want to listen to it. I straight out said, ” Don’t you have better things going on in your life to talk about this?” I told them that this was the last bitch session and to start talking about all the things that were going right for them. I was only allowing them to attract more crap into their life by listening to it.
I started putting more attention into my appearance. I acted as though I needed to be prepared for meeting people I wanted in my life. If I looked a mess, it just reflected that I was a mess inside. Same for my home. I kept it immaculate, as though if someone I highly admired was to knock at my door at any given moment. It was about being prepared for good to come.
November 20, 2008
>I love this. Way to go! :o)
November 20, 2008
>I love this. Way to go! :o)
January 22, 2009
>This is an incredible post. Thank you Lori for sharing such inspiring transformation in your life. I am already plotting my own divine U-turn! 🙂
January 22, 2009
>This is an incredible post. Thank you Lori for sharing such inspiring transformation in your life. I am already plotting my own divine U-turn! 🙂
March 21, 2010
I kept on having to pause your video because I wanted to keep writing different things down. I have been thinking about alot of the different things you mention-purpose, detox, negativity and so on. So many points just resonated.
Thank you.
March 21, 2010
I kept on having to pause your video because I wanted to keep writing different things down. I have been thinking about alot of the different things you mention-purpose, detox, negativity and so on. So many points just resonated.
Thank you.
May 16, 2010
>I stumbled upon your blog and this post spoke to me in a way that makes me know that the stumbling was less of a product of chance and more so a product of fate. Good luck on your journey and thanks for the inspiration.
May 16, 2010
>I stumbled upon your blog and this post spoke to me in a way that makes me know that the stumbling was less of a product of chance and more so a product of fate. Good luck on your journey and thanks for the inspiration.