Ditching Your Secrets

Posted By Lori on Dec 31, 2011 | 13 comments

As we enter the new year, I propose a personal growth challenge to come clean with your life and to liberate yourself from your secrets. I know it isn’t always easy to do and it can take courage, but the reward is far more rewarding than the fear ever was.

If you are new to my blog and haven’t experienced my personal stories you can read my personal bio. In addition, this was the first video that inspired more my transparency: Skeletons in my Closet

I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments about being transparent below!




Related Posts:

Are You Living in Your Own Private Prison?

How to Overcome Fears and Come Alive 

Living a Transparent Life

Live Your Life 


  1. I love to watch your videos! You talk about so much more than raw food – this one about living transparently is so so good.  Having fear about sharing embarrasing things or shameful things can  be kind of like a prison-  Thanks so much Lori!

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    • Thank you Debbie! I love talking about becoming RAW and healthy in ALL aspects of life! I am so glad you enjoy my videos! I enjoy your feedback and presence on this site! 🙂

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  2. Hi Lori,

    Another great and honest video.

    Ever since i discovered you, you have amazed me with your courage and and wisdom, and you have slso  been of great inspiration and comfort.

    Anyway dare i say it i feel  your relationship came to an end because your ex is a complete ars*ho*e. I dont have time  for those who pretend to be soulful when its realy dollars that motivates them. I couldnt understand how this guy who talks about Indian values etc etc could date a person who is not even in his caste it would bring shame to his familys reputation.

    You can be so trusting sometimes, but thats due to fact you are a careing and loving person.

    Anyway Lori who have achieved much and I sense your future lies in what you are good at being a mother not just to your  children but to  others who are looking for guidence .

    I hope that 2012 brings you contentment , and you achive  and obtain all your goals.

    Love, peace and hope Lori Painter.

    ps. Hope you the most amazing and bestest New Year

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    • When did the guy say that? How do you know that as truth? Or is it just your assumption?

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      • I know Lindori, i am not as kind, generous and forgiving as Lori, but i am trying to be though, but like i said i get frustrated by persons manipulateing people for thier own ends. Many Indian parents allow thier children to date Non Indians etc but when it comes to marriage only a person of the right cast etc will do.

        from watching Lori’s videos i feel she didnt end the relationship.

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    • Thank you for your comments, love and support. I appreciate you.

      I can understand your frustrations about my former boyfriend. I know you are very familiar with the Indian culture and cast system. You are right that many look down on breaking dating traditions. However, his parents (and entire family) are not traditional and are only warm and welcoming. They do not place judgment on whom their children choose to date. It was a very positive environment for me. There was no shame in our relationship.

      As for being an “ars*ho*e” I do not see him as anything but kind, generous and supportive of me, my children, and my family. I truly am a better person as a result of dating him and I wish him all the amazing blessings in life.

      I have known him for several years. I applaud his growing business and I know it is a result of his love for people to help them live better lives. I do believe we can be spiritual and experience abundance in all aspects of life… including finances. 

      Fast forward my life in 5 years from now and maybe someone may say those same things about me, but I know my heart is good and my passion to empower people is what fuels me to expand in my business so that I may contribute to the well being of many.

      I know you are being supportive of me and the cool thing is that it doesn’t require us to judge someone else. 

      I appreciate that you give me the opportunity to articulate what others may be wondering as well. As always thank you for your dialog! 

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      • like i have said before lori, i am on my journey, and i have found people can be so trusting only to be hurt. Your Ex is the CEO of the Cleanse Programme. Which at a cost upto $250 you can have detox supplements to help you detox and lose weight.

        You and me both know its very easy to seperate fools from thier money, which what detox programmes effectivley do. i bet you can put together a detox programme for $5.00.

        Anyway i wish to leave this year on a good note, and have been inspired by your ability to forgive. Good Luck

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  3. This was a really fabulous video Lori, I loved it. It’s so true that by liberating yourself you allow others to do the same. I’ve made plenty of mistakes in my life and I’m always happy to share them with others (thought sometimes it takes some time first ;D). I find that it really does allow them to feel at ease and comfortable about their own lives and mistakes. xo

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    • Thank you Stephenie! I actually feel more liberated today than I did yesterday!!! Woo hoo! I am sooo glad you are open too! It really is soooo freeing! 

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  4. Hi Lori, you are so courageous! I have been getting lots of nudges from the universe that this year is the year for me to speak the truth of who I am. Your video was another of these nudges. I have taken your advice to journal about it first. Still not ready for public disclosure! 
    Don’t you think it’s easier to tell your secrets/fears when you have been through something and are now on the other end of it? I think sometimes when you are in the thick of it you are too vulnerable to open yourself to other people’s opinions or judgements (no matter how well meaning).

    Also, are you familiar with Brene Brown and her work on vulnerability? Sounds like something you might find interesting.

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    • Thank you Alarna!

      Yes, I feel that journaling is best when you are too vulnerable to the good opinion of others. This year I followed the same path. First I journaled, then I opened up to close friends, then once I was through the experience I was able to share more. 

      However, I have also gone out and shared embarrassing things publicly while I was in the midst of it. Hence the bikini body challenge! That was so terrifying to admit as a health coach! I felt I needed to live a higher standard and I was embarrassed. Once I posted my journey I realized I wasn’t as out of shape as I thought I was and that was due to the support of the online community! 

      BTW, I LOVE Brene Brown and her talk on vulnerability! I saw that last year and just fell in love with her message! I am glad you dig her too!

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  5. Hi Lori,  Just let you know that your cheerfulness, honesty, goodness, aliveness,  humility and more is an inspiration to us all.  I to have to face the fears of restarting some internet businesses.  The internet holds so much potential for a cash flow that does not hold us to one location.   Tom

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    • Oh man! I LOVE the freedom of a web based business! I am sooo thankful for technology and how it has allowed me freedom! 

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