Getting a Biophotonic Scan

Posted By Lori on Sep 26, 2009 | 15 comments

I first found out about a biophotonic scan in 2004 at a Spa Convention. I was already working in the health & beauty field, but my diet was not nearly as good as it is now. In 2004, my score was 46,000. I was retested in 2005 and my score improved to 52,000. I was happy to see the increase. However, after listening to Dr. Gabriel Cousens about biophotonic energy in his Rawkathon Interview w/ Kevin Gianni, I knew I could do even better. A live foodist would be in the 80,000 range. I have work to do. 😉 Dr. Cousens explained biophotons as sub-atomic particles from which all creation is made. It is our line of communication into the energy field and our luminosity. Here are scores of people and how their diet affected their biophotonic score.

Junk food- 1000 units
Organic Cooked Food- 20,000 units
Newborn Baby- 40,000 units
Live foodist– 83,000 units
Fasting w/ herbs- 118,000 units

Apparently, organic wild crafted foods are 2x higher in biophotonic energy than organic cultivated food, & organic has 5x more biophotonic energy than commercially grown food, and cooked/irradiated food has none.

It is sad to think that most of the world is eating food without any biophotons. It makes sense that our ability to make clear decisions would be affected since the energy field is jumbled and depleted. Think of us operating our life on dial up versus the fastest internet service.

We also want to shine in this world. We aren’t much different from the food that we eat. Here you see Kirlian images of food. Imagine a Kirlian image was taken of you. What would it look like?? Would it shine and radiate or would it be dim?

In addition, Dr Gabriel Cousens explained that the higher the biophotons, the better the communication of the cells in the body. Illness occurs when chaos is in the field. We need order and energy to heal and have well being. You find you become more spiritually in tune when the communication field is enhanced. This is probably why I felt so high during my fasts. I also felt such spiritual awakening. Who knew it could be measured in a scientific way?

See where you can get yourself a biophotonic scan with this locator. Prices may vary from complimentary to $20. My session was $10. Hardly anything when you think about the perspective it gives you.


  1. >These video's were informative. I'd like to get a scan done myself now…. i hope it is easy to find in Canada. Your kids are precious!

    Post a Reply
  2. >These video's were informative. I'd like to get a scan done myself now…. i hope it is easy to find in Canada. Your kids are precious!

    Post a Reply
  3. >Great video Lori. I learned a lot! Thanks for the info.

    Post a Reply
  4. >Great video Lori. I learned a lot! Thanks for the info.

    Post a Reply
  5. >This was really cool. Thanx for the informative vids.

    Post a Reply
  6. >This was really cool. Thanx for the informative vids.

    Post a Reply
  7. >omg, Lori! Thanks for posting this!! Very cool, I need to get this done!

    Post a Reply
  8. >omg, Lori! Thanks for posting this!! Very cool, I need to get this done!

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  9. >The locator is not found 🙁

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  10. >The locator is not found 🙁

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  11. Good job Lori.  Have you heard of Optimal Health Institute in Lemon Grove?  My sister works there as a colonatition.  I went there years ago and saw some massive changes in a 3 week period.  People go there for health challenges and cleansing.  It is the best deal that I know of price wise for what they offer.  Do you know of any others that you would reccomend?  I know there are others internationally and it good to get in the sunshine.  Thomas Sutherland

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    • Thank you Tom. Yes I have heard of that institute. I know of Hippocrates in Florida, We Care in Desert Palm Springs, & the Gerson Institute. 

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  12. Bravo!  The best thing people can do is to grow their own food or seek out farmers who grow food with the least amount of interference and who will allow them to pick it themselves.  The sooner food is consumed after harvest the higher the coherence.  This is the way to clear out unproductive blockages from our body, mind and Soul – consuming fresh food is the easiest way for us to heal ourselves and our planet and bring us back into alignment with the Creator.

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    • YES! Scott, you’d be happy to know that as of earlier this year my score jumped to 93,000! 😉 I am keeping it clear and coherent!

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  13. Great article, the link is broken, though. FYI, you get this message. Will search independently.
    ” Looks like we couldn’t find what you are looking for. The link on the referring page seems to be wrong or outdated. Please inform the author of that page about the error.”

    Error 404
    Sat Nov 23 00:01:24 2013

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