Getting to know me!

Posted By Lori on Jul 20, 2008 | 4 comments

Something feels sooooooo good about starting a new blog. It reminds me of the first day of school with brand new rings of paper and pencils ready to fill the sheets. I suppose an introduction would be appropriate ; ).As you know, my name is Lori. I am 32. I currently live in Southern California and will be relocating to Hawaii in April 2009. I am a single mommy of 2 kids. My son is 12, my daughter is 10. I am very close with the children’s father. We are committed parents. At my kids events the other parents think we are still married since they usually don’t see ex relationships getting along.

Together, we alternate homeschooling. WOW, what a shift. Transforming and I am amazed I took on that challenge. I am so glad that I did. It was what felt right for us. It is only my second year doing it. I hope to continue.

I am a self employed Health and Wellness Practitioner. I couldn’t imagine it any other way. I feel a deep connection to my purpose and that is my work. I suppose it is the most stable “job” one can have. You can’t exactly get fired from your purpose. It is born into you. Talk about job security…LOL. 🙂 . My purpose is to move from inspiration to action. Hence my screen name: Inspire2Act. Pretty simple. Sometimes it stays in the head…but, what’s the point if no action is taken? My passion is to inspire others to act in ways that are worthy of them. I have a background in massage, personal training, nutrition, purification, rehab and physical therapy, day spa, beauty, and green living (check out:

Self reliance and empowerment are deeply rooted into me. It is something I wish to maintain and deepen and inspire in others. I wonder of being born 1 hour from Independence day has anything to do with it? ; )

I LOVE being a woman. I love the femininity, the beauty, the curves, the softness, the smell, the WORKS. I am thankful I have been given this body and I am honoring this body temple that houses my spirit. I love being alive!

Here are some projects that I am into:

1. Turning my cookie cutter track home yard into an edible landscape. I feel a strong sense to empower myself through making my property have a purpose. This includes every plant I own :). Productive and purposeful and efficient. I don’t exactly have the rep for being an amazing gardener, but I am passionate and thirsty to learn. I love . They inspire me. I attend their events and film screenings and potlucks. Once I am up and running I am going to help others establish their own edible landscape and homestead. This is a great site to connect and have support:

2. Learning how to make yummy raw food. A few years ago I was going to attend CIA in Napa (Culinary Institute of America) until I realized there was no correlation with nutrition and gourmet food at this facility. Hence, my hunger to learn gourmet raw food :). The journey has begun! Raw food culinary geniuses: Wish me luck ; ). For everyday raw stuff I check out: .

3. Physical fitness! I am deepening my yoga practice. I have been doing yoga since I was 15. It was never consistent and regular, but I loved it still. I have decided to commit to it. I feel it is the most neutralizing, balancing, and healing form of exercise on the planet, but that’s just me. It truly enhances all the fun activities I enjoy like dancing, snowboarding, and surfing, and gymnastics. I really love being creative with the body and having fun. A workout is only secondary to the fun factor!

4. I’d love to learn to play the guitar and the piano. I have a piano in my front room and don’t know how to play…so sad. 🙂 Chopsticks anyone? My kids and I just started guitar lessons. What a hand workout!

5. To realize a book NEVER feels finished. I just need to publish it already! I suppose an artist may always want to tweak his final painting. I have written in the fields of self development and empowerment through conscious living, health, wellness, beauty, purification, diet, green sustainable living practices, etc.

6. I love retreats I would spend my life traveling the world just to see them all, so why not start this way? Like minded people, please respond ; ). I am working on holding retreats that are informative and inspirational as well as FUN!!!! I would like to set them up by seasons. Perhaps a snowboarding raw yoga retreat in winter. A surfing raw yoga retreat in summer. Spring and Fall perform purification retreats. A place to decondition old paradigms and get back to the version of our authentic self.

7. I love fine nude art. Those black and whites of sculpted physiques are mesmerizing. Our lives and bodies are our own work of art. I find this beautiful expression:

8. Complete a 92 day juice feast. I have only done 2 week liquid cleanses. Check out: . Wow, what a commitment.

9. I am very interested in living debt free and below my means. I have lived a life of debt and found it to be very low calibrating in consciousness. It is a burden that weighs the spirit down. As Wayne Dyer says” Debt is nonspiritual“.


  1. >Lovely post!

    Regarding your last point. Check out Dave Ramsey. His teachings about how money really works is fantastic.

    With Purpose,

    Post a Reply
  2. >Lovely post!

    Regarding your last point. Check out Dave Ramsey. His teachings about how money really works is fantastic.

    With Purpose,

    Post a Reply
  3. >Thanks for the comment. I will for sure check out Dave Ramsey.

    Post a Reply
  4. >Thanks for the comment. I will for sure check out Dave Ramsey.

    Post a Reply

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