>Love your Blog!! you have the best ideas! I'm 30 days into the raw lifestyle and these little ideas are Huge! I know way thought I could get that much greens in a day but massaging the greens has made it possible! Thanks
>I obviously need a bigger salad bowl. = ) It's amazing how an entire pound of greens can condense down like that once massaged. I agree, having a pre-made salad dressing is so crucial when saving time is an issue. Thanks for the video, Lori!
If you are running through life feeling overwhelmed and not really making the impact you know you want, or wishing you felt alive and filled with passion then you are going to LOVE me!
March 8, 2011
>Lori – this is fabulous – I'm totally going to share this and am looking forward to seeing you get your salad fixin's on next!
March 10, 2011
>Hi Lori! What a great idea! I have to try this sometime. I LOVE sauerkraut 🙂
I just started a raw blog too – hopefully you can check it out 🙂
March 10, 2011
>Love your Blog!! you have the best ideas! I'm 30 days into the raw lifestyle and these little ideas are Huge! I know way thought I could get that much greens in a day but massaging the greens has made it possible! Thanks
March 10, 2011
>I obviously need a bigger salad bowl. = ) It's amazing how an entire pound of greens can condense down like that once massaged. I agree, having a pre-made salad dressing is so crucial when saving time is an issue. Thanks for the video, Lori!
March 11, 2011
>Hi Lori,
Do you have recipe for the creamy sauerkraut? Or is it store bought?
Thanks this is wonderful!
March 11, 2011
>@ Julie….awesome! Congrats on your blog. I will go check it out.
@Cary…..wow! So glad I can be of help
@Raw….you are welcome
@Brenda….the saurkraut was store bought, but the dressing was made. Check it out…it is a raw caesar salad dressing. I posted it a couple weeks ago!
March 13, 2011
>Thanks Lori! I did check out the Ceaser dressing video yesterday. Looking forward to making it. Please keep these videos coming. Thanks!