Health Update – February 2011

Posted By Lori on Feb 10, 2011 | 5 comments


  1. >I'm never sure whether to comment here or on YouTube. I prefer here, mainly because I don't see too many "your sooo? prettyyy marrry me pl0x!" comments.

    Thanks for introducing me to the biophotonic scan. I've never heard of it before. You mentioned some authors, as well, and I was wondering if you could provide some links to those resources?

    I'm glad to see that you're experimenting a bit with your diet. I've been following a paleo diet for seven months now, so it's difficult for me to imagine you rediscovering eggs – a staple in my diet. Are there any other treats you enjoy spoiling yourself with but don't mention in your videos?

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  2. >Awesome, Awesome, thank you!

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  3. >Looks great!

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  4. >@ Lisa- Thank you! It is RREEEAAAALLLYYYY yummy!

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  5. >Love it

    btw, bird nest ( is made up of about 58% soluable proteins…the highest amoung all food and even synetic protein powders

    it greatly increase tissue regeneration

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