Hiking Devil’s Slide

Posted By Lori on Jul 30, 2009 | 2 comments

Took a nice break from the heat and went hiking to Devil’s Slide. We didn’t complete the full hike considering we started just before noon and after an hour into the hike we came across boy scouts who started the hike at 6:30 am. They suggested it would be too strenuous and hot especially if we didn’t have about a gallon of water each on hand (which we didn’t). Plus we needed to be back down the trail by 4pm. So we continued a while longer, then called it a day.

The background rock is the end of the hike.

Kickin‘ it before we get hiking.

Christie, Alex, Mehgan, Alex

Mehgan taking a little water break

I hope to be able to do this hike again and go all the way to the top. Mehgan kept commenting on how peaceful she felt being in nature. She said to me, “Mom, why do I feel so calm here?” Nature is so healing. Kids are so perceptive!


  1. >the kids look like they are having fun. who doesn't love a good rock to climb?

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  2. >the kids look like they are having fun. who doesn't love a good rock to climb?

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