I am in one spunky mood today. You can probably tell when you watch my video below. I am still feeling inspired to move through my fears and I am taking daily strides & feeling more and more empowered.
Are you hiding out in your comfort zone?
I know that place all too well and it has never served me! I posted this quote today and in my video because it just hit me to my core.
”The thing that scares you most is really what’s next for your souls evolution.”- Steven Pressfield
Does that resonate with you? Are you going to step up your game? Are you ready to see what’s next for your soul to evolve and shine?
Then bring it!
Click on the video below to see what I did to conquer my fear today!
BTW, I’d love to hear what you have been avoiding and I want you to take one step towards conquering that fear. Please share it in the comments below.
November 18, 2011
I had a group of girls over to share smoothie demos and to help each other out of emotional eating by getting together. I felt really nervous actually, thinking they’d be bored or wouldn’t like me, but we spent a lot of time laughing and are planning an event to put on together. I took out boxes and boxes of clothes and books to the car which will go to a second hand store who buys clothes … I’ve cleared out about I’d say 75% of my jewelry and clothes now …tomorrow I’m meeting a local guy to hang out with because I’ve been only in long distance relationships for about nine months.
Thanks Lori, great video, you shine! Wow, I think if I had been asked that, I might have gone into shame spiral, ha ha. Since I went to a raw vegan artist commune right out of high school. But that was one of my most powerful times of my life, contrary to what society might think. 🙂 And you giving your all to another human being who needed you–like you said–was as well.
November 19, 2011
You are a go getter! A rock star! A community leader! Keep doing your thang…even through the fears because THAT my dear is TRUE character! 🙂
November 18, 2011
Lori, this was so perfect for me to hear! Run into your fears (reminds me of a dragon slayer!) otherwise, what the heck are we doing here? Hiding and being less than we really are….and bored out of our minds…great to see you even though it was a vid…
The Spiritual Princess
November 19, 2011
YEAH BABY!!!! Let’s go get ’em! Thank you for being a part of the journey! 😉
November 18, 2011
nice video! you’re an organic go getter
November 19, 2011
Thanks Eric! 🙂 My emotional fitness muscles are getting strong baby! 😉
November 19, 2011
Hi Lori,
Interesting video,
However i don’t agree with Steven Pressfields quote that fear can be the souls evolution, and is an example of the gumph that litters the Hollistic world.
The Soul is a unique creation where as Fear is an emotional response to a known and unknown situation.
Fears can be considered as our minds as a “WHAT IF” question, as our conciousness tries to evaluate, and reason the known and unknown consequencses of ones actions. In this video your description describes your concious evaluation of the situation before you made a decsion.
The way your mind makes these concious decsions is based on theknowledge and experiance that the mind has gained over the years.
Anyway Lori, i think you are already a great speaker, and a source of inspiration, and i hope that by attending Tostmasters you do not lose your unique individuality, i also hope you dont become one of those carbon copy speakers who can speak x amount of words before they have to take a breath.
Also for the last few days i have made a point of contemplating the events of my life and how those events have shaped my life. So i would say slow down Lori before you “BURN OUT”, i like the ancient wisdom that encourages one to approch and overcome ones fears through conciousness. Also try approching speaking in the tradition of the Buddist Masters whos simple and slow speach can be so spiritually enhancing.
Hope i haven’t waffled to much,
Wishing you all the best.
November 20, 2011
Thanks Delrashid for your love and support.
You have so much value to share…. I really hope you get a blog going!!! Many people would love to see your message!
November 19, 2011
ps. (i do this all the time), i am not a buddist, but i do find that a common thread exists in all faith that encourages love and peace.
November 20, 2011
Thanks Lori, your encouragement gives me confidence, you are a very special person, and you have that, genuine gifted energy that makes you different from others.
It is this energy that not only makes you special but gives inspiration and confidence to so many others.
I have a soulmate, but you are my Uma Diva.
Wishing you all the best, and always at your service.
December 6, 2011
Lori YESSS!!!! I love it!!! What an amazing reminder of our own evolution through fear!! As long as we’re willing to step through it!! This video has my NAME ON IT. I bought an awesome workbook a while ago and was going through the first chapter/assignment. The author told a story where she was in Toastmasters. I’d never heard of it before. After that, I was reading a ThinkSimpleNow.com entry from Tina and she was talking about Toastmasters. Looked into it and decided that once I graduate from massage school (on Thursday!) I’m joining a local chapter and I’m SO excited!!! And here you are doing Toastmasters too. I think that’s awesome 😀
December 7, 2011
Glad to hear you are graduating from massage school! I remember those days! That was the first step of my journey in the health profession! All the best!
Toastmasters is great! It has really been a growth,clarity, and empowering experience…. you will love it!
September 17, 2012
okay. the fact that i goggled how to overcome being a chicken is a sign. Just a sec ago the guy that I really really like (for months now, just visited -work related). I was so chicken to talk to him. I hid by the window and just saw him leave. The moment was there but I failed to grab it. 🙁
November 5, 2012
That is too funny that you googled that!!!! Hope you stopped being a chicken. 😉