If This Was My Last Day To Live

Posted By Lori on May 15, 2009 | 20 comments

Isn’t it funny how we would view the world and behave if we knew our days were limited? Fact is, we tend to take life for granted. Nobody knows when our day is up. If we did, would we do things differently? I use this scenario of “if this was my last day” for me to regain perspective on my life. This is how I want to live everyday. I want to stay here rather than get swept into the small stuff that doesn’t enrich my life. At the end of my life. I want to know that I conducted my life in this fashion.

1. Love and savor the people in my life like my kids, family and friends
2. Make amends with anyone I needed
3. Watch more sunrises and sunsets
4. Feel thankful for the opportunity to be alive
5. Inspire free living and follow the beat of my own drum
6. Live lightly
7. Eat well
8. Exercise
9. Keep learning and sharing my journey
10. Live in peace
11. Be more loving, patient and compassionate, be more tolerant, and forgiving
12. Forgive and love myself
13. Have more fun
14. Laugh until I have cramps in my side
15. Wake up early
16. Smile until my cheeks cramp
17. Leave my voice to share with my kids
18. Surround myself with my favorite things & create a private retreat
19. Hang out at an outdoor spa
20. Love my dog
21. Make someone elseโ€™s day a little easier or better, brighten someone else’s day
22. Enjoy the sun, spend more time outdoors and have picnics
23. Make more videos & blogs
24. Get off the TV and PC and experience living
25. Read to my kids and cuddle at night
26. Do more things that my kids enjoy doing like hide and seek in the dark
27. Do something different each day
28. Hug more
29. Celebrate my uniqueness
30. Make it a point to find the joy in my life and carry a carefree attitude

How about you?


  1. >I really like “celebrate my uniqueness”. We can get excited about a new piece of technology, but we are each precisely phenomenal.

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  2. >I really like “celebrate my uniqueness”. We can get excited about a new piece of technology, but we are each precisely phenomenal.

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  3. >If this were my last day to live, I would, ask you to marry me. I would propose to you. I would put an engagement ring on your left ring finger and live the last 25 hours of my life knowing that you were the very last woman on this beautiful earth that I ever loved! – Jordan Couch, Real Thinker

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  4. >If this were my last day to live, I would, ask you to marry me. I would propose to you. I would put an engagement ring on your left ring finger and live the last 25 hours of my life knowing that you were the very last woman on this beautiful earth that I ever loved! – Jordan Couch, Real Thinker

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  5. >I love the energy you send out, this is a great blog! I love living each day like it’s my last, show love, take risks and have a blast!

    Post a Reply
  6. >I love the energy you send out, this is a great blog! I love living each day like it’s my last, show love, take risks and have a blast!

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  7. >Make another youtube video ๐Ÿ™‚ I need to see more of my raw internet friends. Its been a really dry week. No really posted.

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  8. >Make another youtube video ๐Ÿ™‚ I need to see more of my raw internet friends. Its been a really dry week. No really posted.

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  9. >Joy- Great point!

    Jordan- LOL… you are too much. I don’t even know how to respond to that. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Mandy- That’s what I’m talkin’ ’bout!

    Anon- a new video will be coming soon. ๐Ÿ™‚

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  10. >Joy- Great point!

    Jordan- LOL… you are too much. I don’t even know how to respond to that. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Mandy- That’s what I’m talkin’ ’bout!

    Anon- a new video will be coming soon. ๐Ÿ™‚

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  11. >If this were my last day to live, I would walk alone to the forest and begin to cry until my tears created a new stream. Those tears would slowly flow into the canal and then into the river. And finally, I would roll over onto my back and with my last breath I would say to the sky, “The ocean is where you can see and feel my tears. I cried these tears of love for you, Lori.” – Jordan Couch, Real Thinker

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  12. >If this were my last day to live, I would walk alone to the forest and begin to cry until my tears created a new stream. Those tears would slowly flow into the canal and then into the river. And finally, I would roll over onto my back and with my last breath I would say to the sky, “The ocean is where you can see and feel my tears. I cried these tears of love for you, Lori.” – Jordan Couch, Real Thinker

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  13. >Great list and great post! ๐Ÿ™‚ You’re amazing!


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  14. >Great list and great post! ๐Ÿ™‚ You’re amazing!


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  15. >very good perspective on living. its one thing that is mentioned often that we should live as though it were our final day, and though it seems far more challenging to do so daily and practically, its a very valuable intention. this was the message of your last post as well, and this one extended it a little more with including challenges and your appreciation of them. that was inspiring. you’ve got a lot of giving you wish to do, which is beautiful and your sharing of that feeling incites me as a reader to unleash myself in that department as well…this really is a time of releasing our yearning to share, give, release, and be flooded back by meaning and deeply healing emotional exchanges.

    Post a Reply
  16. >very good perspective on living. its one thing that is mentioned often that we should live as though it were our final day, and though it seems far more challenging to do so daily and practically, its a very valuable intention. this was the message of your last post as well, and this one extended it a little more with including challenges and your appreciation of them. that was inspiring. you’ve got a lot of giving you wish to do, which is beautiful and your sharing of that feeling incites me as a reader to unleash myself in that department as well…this really is a time of releasing our yearning to share, give, release, and be flooded back by meaning and deeply healing emotional exchanges.

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  17. >If this was my last day to live, I would live as if it was the last day that everyone else would live. I would treat them with love and kindness.

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  18. >If this was my last day to live, I would live as if it was the last day that everyone else would live. I would treat them with love and kindness.

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  19. >If this was my last day to live, I would live as if it was the last day that everyone else would live. I would treat them with love and kindness. -Jordan Couch, Real Thinker

    Post a Reply
  20. >If this was my last day to live, I would live as if it was the last day that everyone else would live. I would treat them with love and kindness. -Jordan Couch, Real Thinker

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