Live Your Life

Posted By Lori on Dec 11, 2009 | 12 comments

“Live, so you do not have to look back and say: ‘God, how I have wasted my life.’ ”
-Elisabeth Kubler-Ross


  1. >Great thoughts, thank you for sharing with us. And congratulations to your boyfriend.It's nice to see such an amazing connection between him and you.

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  2. >Great thoughts, thank you for sharing with us. And congratulations to your boyfriend.It's nice to see such an amazing connection between him and you.

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  3. >Great video and what an awesome topic. I totally agree with you : ) I do have an off topic question, what is you skin care routine? I am high raw and struggle with breakouts. You have beautiful skin and I was curious, if you do not mind sharing.

    Thanks Lori!

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  4. >Great video and what an awesome topic. I totally agree with you : ) I do have an off topic question, what is you skin care routine? I am high raw and struggle with breakouts. You have beautiful skin and I was curious, if you do not mind sharing.

    Thanks Lori!

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  5. >my dream is to lay on a beach everyday with a cocktail in hand and do nothing. Is that bad?

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  6. >my dream is to lay on a beach everyday with a cocktail in hand and do nothing. Is that bad?

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  7. >I agree with you that most people seem to be really preoccupied with not ruffling anyone's feathers and I find it to be a bit ridiculous. It's wonderful that we are all created to be unique souls in this world and we should let our lights shine instead of throwing a cover over them in such a way as to mute their vibrancy.
    Lots of love!

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  8. >I agree with you that most people seem to be really preoccupied with not ruffling anyone's feathers and I find it to be a bit ridiculous. It's wonderful that we are all created to be unique souls in this world and we should let our lights shine instead of throwing a cover over them in such a way as to mute their vibrancy.
    Lots of love!

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  9. >@ Nelly- Thank you…I am so grateful for Kevin. I am enjoying him! I think we will be posting videos on our dating experience soon!

    @ Pure2Raw- my skin care regime is simple…I clean with water & a microfiber cloth. Then I occasionally skin brush and use a little coconut oil…. that's it!

    @ Marty- I like the way you think! I'll join you on the beach with my green juice!

    @ Caroline- so well said! Keep shining!

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  10. >@ Nelly- Thank you…I am so grateful for Kevin. I am enjoying him! I think we will be posting videos on our dating experience soon!

    @ Pure2Raw- my skin care regime is simple…I clean with water & a microfiber cloth. Then I occasionally skin brush and use a little coconut oil…. that's it!

    @ Marty- I like the way you think! I'll join you on the beach with my green juice!

    @ Caroline- so well said! Keep shining!

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  11. >Love this! Love you! xo

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  12. >Love this! Love you! xo

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