Living a Transparent Life

Posted By Lori on Dec 8, 2009 | 12 comments


  1. >This is such an inspiring video. Thanks for sharing! I definitely desire to live a transparent life that I believe in!!!

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  2. >This is such an inspiring video. Thanks for sharing! I definitely desire to live a transparent life that I believe in!!!

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  3. >such a great way to think about our actions and words! i'm definitely going to reflect on this today. thanks again lori. you always live up to your name!

    btw- you look very fresh, glowy and beautiful in the video ;D

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  4. >such a great way to think about our actions and words! i'm definitely going to reflect on this today. thanks again lori. you always live up to your name!

    btw- you look very fresh, glowy and beautiful in the video ;D

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  5. >when you asked how we'd act with a camera on us, my first thought was 'always happy and motivated'. So that means acting unhappy and unmotivated are not actions aligned with my being! Great video.

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  6. >when you asked how we'd act with a camera on us, my first thought was 'always happy and motivated'. So that means acting unhappy and unmotivated are not actions aligned with my being! Great video.

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  7. >You have beautiful teeth

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  8. >You have beautiful teeth

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  9. >@ Sarah- yeah baby!

    @ Anne- thank you so much!

    @ Prosechild- YES!!!

    @ Marty- thank you! 😉

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  10. >@ Sarah- yeah baby!

    @ Anne- thank you so much!

    @ Prosechild- YES!!!

    @ Marty- thank you! 😉

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  11. >I really love your blog – I am reading all the aricles, they are awesome and amazing. This video really made me think – I never thought about my life in this way and it's a great inspiration. Thank you very much for sharing, you are a wonderful and gorgeous woman!
    Best regards from Switzerland 🙂

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  12. >I really love your blog – I am reading all the aricles, they are awesome and amazing. This video really made me think – I never thought about my life in this way and it's a great inspiration. Thank you very much for sharing, you are a wonderful and gorgeous woman!
    Best regards from Switzerland 🙂

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