Movies That Have Affected My Food Choices

Posted By Lori on Jun 5, 2009 | 6 comments

I haven’t seen this, but I have heard so much about it. I honestly think I couldn’t handle watching it. This trailer is bad enough:

The following are also films I have not seen, but I would be interested in seeing them.

The next one I am interested in seeing is Food, Inc. It’s coming out June 12! Keep your eyes open!


  1. >Thanks for posting this list, Lori. I will definitely check them out. So far I've seen Supersize Me and Fast Food Nation. I want to see Food Matters but it's not available on Netflix. Do you have the DVD? If you do, I'd love to borrow it. Let me know.

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  2. >Thanks for posting this list, Lori. I will definitely check them out. So far I've seen Supersize Me and Fast Food Nation. I want to see Food Matters but it's not available on Netflix. Do you have the DVD? If you do, I'd love to borrow it. Let me know.

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  3. >Wow, at first I thought, geeze I'm not watching these, but I have watched every single one, and glad I did. Only ones I have seen though are Fast Food nation and Super Size me, I really want to see the rest now too. Thanks for sharing.

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  4. >Wow, at first I thought, geeze I'm not watching these, but I have watched every single one, and glad I did. Only ones I have seen though are Fast Food nation and Super Size me, I really want to see the rest now too. Thanks for sharing.

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  5. >This is a great post. Thanks for the video links. Another video that opened my eyes is King Corn. Its a great documentary about how government subsidized corn has intruded every aspect of our food supply.

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  6. >This is a great post. Thanks for the video links. Another video that opened my eyes is King Corn. Its a great documentary about how government subsidized corn has intruded every aspect of our food supply.

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