Nov 2008 Garden Update

Posted By Lori on Dec 3, 2008 | 6 comments

I have so much to learn. I am at least trying. Here is my raised 4×4 beds filled with easter egg radishes, gourmet blend beets and carrots. Someday, I will have a flourishing garden, til then it’s a work in progress, 🙂


  1. >it’s cool to have a garden of your own, so don’t forget to water them every day. good luck

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  2. >it’s cool to have a garden of your own, so don’t forget to water them every day. good luck

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  3. >Thank you! 🙂 We have in the past forgotten…oops 🙂 We had to start all over! We are better at watering it now. It’s a habit!

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  4. >Thank you! 🙂 We have in the past forgotten…oops 🙂 We had to start all over! We are better at watering it now. It’s a habit!

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  5. >Ooh I love your blog. Your garden has inspired me in my little townhouse…anyone can do it I guess!

    Nice piece on WLIR too


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  6. >Ooh I love your blog. Your garden has inspired me in my little townhouse…anyone can do it I guess!

    Nice piece on WLIR too


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