Playing Around w/ B Series Partner Yoga

Posted By Lori on Jul 25, 2009 | 4 comments


  1. >I just have to share with you some information regarding a t.v. show I saw on eating raw…it's part of the "My Life in Food" series and it's about a woman who completely reverses her diabetes by going to the Tree of Life Institute and converting to a completely raw diet. At the end of the show even her personal doctor was impressed! You have to watch it if you get a chance. Amazing stuff!!!
    xoxo Caroline

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  2. >I just have to share with you some information regarding a t.v. show I saw on eating raw…it's part of the "My Life in Food" series and it's about a woman who completely reverses her diabetes by going to the Tree of Life Institute and converting to a completely raw diet. At the end of the show even her personal doctor was impressed! You have to watch it if you get a chance. Amazing stuff!!!
    xoxo Caroline

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  3. >Caroline- Thanks! Reminds me of Raw for 30!
    I just watched another great documentary "Healing Cancer Inside Out".

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  4. >Caroline- Thanks! Reminds me of Raw for 30!
    I just watched another great documentary "Healing Cancer Inside Out".

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