Raw Spaghetti w/ “Sausage”

Posted By Lori on Aug 3, 2009 | 8 comments

A few months ago I bought a spirooli. I knew I was going to be growing zucchini so I wanted to be prepared to make one of my favorite raw dishes: spaghetti (it is not in accordance w/ 80/10/10 due to salt & seasonings, but still a nice dish). I have a mandolin and sometimes make noodles with that too, but I really like how long and thin this makes them. Even a grater works (see in the video below).

Click HERE to see how it works!

Here is what my noodles look like after I use the spirooli. I like them somewhat short since after the first time using it I realized I was making 5 ft long noodles! DOH! I sweat the noodles by adding salt and letting them sit for about 30 min. then drain the liquid.

I haven’t made this recipe in about a year, so my memory is somewhat failing me, but here are the basics. It’s super easy & practically impossible to mess up.

For the marinara I use this base from the Raw Body Twins. Then I add more spices inspired by the marinara sauce from”Raw Food Real World” by Matthew Kenney. It’s a flexible thing and you can change it to meet your preferences. However, the marinara in the video above is fine just as it is.

1 C walnuts
2 Medjool dates, pitted
in the food processor and added
1/2 dried fennel
pinch of crush ground red pepper
1/4 tsp basil
1/4 tsp oregano
1/4 salt

Process walnuts in the food processor til chopped. Add everything else, including dates, & process until it comes together but still has texture.

You’ll be blown away. It looks & tastes similar to cooked ground sausage. Crumble this over the top of the marinara & noodles.

This recipe is even better the next day after all the flavors have had a chance to mingle in the fridge!


  1. >This sounds promising. It sounds like a good dish for seducing a cooked food eater to the raw side.

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  2. >This sounds promising. It sounds like a good dish for seducing a cooked food eater to the raw side.

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  3. >Excellent recipe!! Didn't make the "sausage." I put the noodles and sauce into a frying pan and "gently" warmed it up. Tasted better than some spaghetti I recently had at a "real" italian restaurant–maybe the raw live energy!! The recipe is identical to the recipe from Raw Food Made Easy by Jennifer Cornbleet–except she makes it in a food processor and she adds a dash of cayenne pepper–which is what I did.
    I was surprised at how good it was.

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  4. >Excellent recipe!! Didn't make the "sausage." I put the noodles and sauce into a frying pan and "gently" warmed it up. Tasted better than some spaghetti I recently had at a "real" italian restaurant–maybe the raw live energy!! The recipe is identical to the recipe from Raw Food Made Easy by Jennifer Cornbleet–except she makes it in a food processor and she adds a dash of cayenne pepper–which is what I did.
    I was surprised at how good it was.

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  5. >Lauren- It totally is an awesome dish to seduce the non-raw peeps!

    David- YAY! Another satisifed "tester". One of my new yoga students also made it without the "sausage" and enjoyed it! See, I knew it. 😉

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  6. >Lauren- It totally is an awesome dish to seduce the non-raw peeps!

    David- YAY! Another satisifed "tester". One of my new yoga students also made it without the "sausage" and enjoyed it! See, I knew it. 😉

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