Real Living

Posted By Lori on Jul 23, 2009 | 4 comments

Sustainable Relationships
Loving my life unconditionally
Loving the people in my life unconditionally
Loving myself unconditionally

Sustainable Health
Living clean & lean on raw foods
Rocking an able & athletic body

Sustainable Service
Getting turned on- being passionate
Making love all day long- doing what you love with intention & focus
Sharing my voice

Sustainable Income
Generating multiple streams of passive income through providing genuine value
Casting a vote on the world I want through how I spend my money

Sustainable Home Life
Living in paradise: clean fresh air, plenty of rain, warm year round weather
Growing my own food however simple or exotic
Caring for the Earth as I do my body

Sustainable Growth
Learning, exploring, dreaming, doing, defying limitations, laughing, loving, celebration, and gratitude, having fun


  1. >what about swimming with the dolphins?

    Post a Reply
  2. >what about swimming with the dolphins?

    Post a Reply
  3. >What a beautiful entry, thanks so much for that! What a wonderful way to end my day 🙂

    Post a Reply
  4. >What a beautiful entry, thanks so much for that! What a wonderful way to end my day 🙂

    Post a Reply

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