Skin Tone & Food

Posted By Lori on Jul 21, 2008 | 24 comments

Problems with a red or ruddy complexion? How about a dull, sallow, or grey cast to your skin?

Well, I found that we can correct this through the food we eat in our diet. I have heard many people complain that vegan people do not look healthy, that they look pale. Most meat eaters use this as a way of proving that we must eat meat to be healthy. I found some of what they said to be true and some of what they said to be false.

I followed a vegan diet last year and noticed much of my diet consisted of beans, rice, steel cut oats, quinoa, etc. Lots of grains, beans, and lentils. I noticed that I over indulged in these foods rather than focusing on the veggies. The starch was the main course. Anyhow, if you look at the color of these foods they are a bland, dull, pale color for the most part. So it makes sense that if we leave out the veggies we are going to take on the color of the starches in our complexion.

So an experiment took place. I began consuming major amounts of carrot juice, eating butternut squash, and yams. I also was taking iodine to correct a thyroid imbalance. Sure enough after a month or so I was receiving comments on my skin. Asking my ethnic background or how I had a very warm glow. I noticed my foundation was looking very pink on my skin. It didn’t match like it once did. I went on for months and the color of my skin became more “golden”.

It makes sense if you look at a color wheel. You can self correct by eating foods that are on the opposite side of the color wheel.

I know it sounds weird, but I found out that I can change my skin tone. This really happened to me by accident. Once I noticed what was happening I became more deliberate and I have been having fun with it. I decided to go raw from being vegan and it has made the process more obvious.

I stopped with the orange foods and went on a very green diet. My complexion looked balanced.

Then in just the past month or so I began eating beets, cherries, strawberries, raspberries, watermelon, etc… like crazy. Again, I noticed my skin has become “pinker” or rosier. This is crazy, but it makes total sense.

So I ‘ve come to a simple conclusion:

If you have a red skin tone…go to the opposite side and you’ll find green. If you consume major amounts of green food and juices, in a short time your red will soothe out. It reminded me of when I would look at the makeup section in stores and see a pot of green concealer to apply to red areas of the skin to neutralize the color. This is the same concept only healthier. It is possible to self correct your skin tone without the use of make up.

If your skin is pasty and dull, bring back the rosy cheeks and try eating lots of reds like in berries, red bell peppers, cherries, beets, etc. After a month or so you will notice a rosy flush to your face.

And if you are wanting a golden look then knock yourself out with orange foods like I did. Just make sure you are getting enough of that color in your diet.

Notice the palms of your hands, the inner portion of your forearms, and the bottom of your feet, because those areas show the color change as well. The veins showing in my forearms went from a blue cast to a green cast to a purple cast. It was the skin over the veins that was affecting it. When I would get a massage, my therapist would always mention the color change.

If you have any similar stories…please share them with me. I am curious if I am the only one who has noticed this.


  1. >hi there..very interesting article indeed – and it does make sense. I wanna try this.

    What do you recommend for a male who used to be golden (skinned) became dark on face/arms due to extended (years of) sun exposure the rest of my body (especially parts that were always covered by cloth) still retain this golden brown skin.

    So according to you should i be eating more “orange” colored foods? – did I get it right? – your feedback will be appreciated.

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  2. >hi there..very interesting article indeed – and it does make sense. I wanna try this.

    What do you recommend for a male who used to be golden (skinned) became dark on face/arms due to extended (years of) sun exposure the rest of my body (especially parts that were always covered by cloth) still retain this golden brown skin.

    So according to you should i be eating more “orange” colored foods? – did I get it right? – your feedback will be appreciated.

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  3. >Hi there. I found this article because people are always commenting that I look 'yellow' – and it is especially obvious on the palms of my hands! I have a lot of food allergies so have a very limited diet – and some of the foods I can eat and that I also really enjoy are yellow fruits – papaya, mango, pineapple – and I also eat carrots, pumpkin and yellow sweet potato!! So I've just started this morning having a 'green' juice of celery and spinach in the hope that this helps! Coz people think I've overdone it on the self-tanning!!! I'd like to be more pale – so according to your theory I need to eat more purple – hmmm – perhaps beetroot juice!! 'o)

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  4. >Hi there. I found this article because people are always commenting that I look 'yellow' – and it is especially obvious on the palms of my hands! I have a lot of food allergies so have a very limited diet – and some of the foods I can eat and that I also really enjoy are yellow fruits – papaya, mango, pineapple – and I also eat carrots, pumpkin and yellow sweet potato!! So I've just started this morning having a 'green' juice of celery and spinach in the hope that this helps! Coz people think I've overdone it on the self-tanning!!! I'd like to be more pale – so according to your theory I need to eat more purple – hmmm – perhaps beetroot juice!! 'o)

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  5. This has been really interesting! I will definetly try this. I just notice that everytime I remove my makeup my skin, is like a grayish/greenish. Sometimes n sometimes its just pale. Thank you for this interesting blog!

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    • If your skin is pale and grey consider how much of your food is refined carbs and cooked. You’ll notice a huge shift when you eat lots of leafy greens! Your skin will glow!

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  6. Dont leafy greens have a ton of betacarotene which is what u would find in stuff like sweet potatoes which turn your skin orange. So therefor wouldn’t leafy greens also turn your skin orange. I’m currently trying to get rid of this orange colored my skin has. Ever since I became vegan a few years back i been orange. I’m hoping to go back to my natural skin tone but its sooo hard because most veggies have betacarotene.. What should I do? 

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    • Yes! My skin took on an orange hue & I have embraced it. I see it as a good sign of nutrient sense skin. 🙂

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    • I wish I could go back to my natural skin tone, too.. Everyone criticizes my orange hands and feet, even my parents who are doctors – tho I am not a vegan, I eat waaaayyy too many leafy greens and veggies and carrots and fruits in general and little meat.

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    • That’s a good observation. Kale is loaded with lutein which is a carotenoid. There are studies which prove that lutein from supplements or food can increase the orange-pink pigment in the macula, which filters out harmful blue light. So yes leafy greens can turn your skin orange. But isn’t that great? This pigment filters out damaging blue light like a natural sunscreen for your skin. I took alpha lipoic acid supplements in the past and I realized that I was bleaching my skin by accident. Someone told me I glowed in the dark. lol So I had to cut back on that.

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  7. Hi there,

    I love your article that you have written. I was wanting to know if eating the food colours red and orange, will that change the complexion of someone who has a fair skin complexion? I am half Hungarian and English and thoughout my life my skin colour has always been changing from olive to fair… I do believe my diet has something to do with it… But can eating those foods actually turn fair skin into a more natural glowing colour? Thanks 🙂

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    • Hey Jon, Thanks for reading this article. As your diet includes fresh raw brightly colored foods you will notice a shift in skin tone. Many times juicing fresh fruit and veggies accelerates this process. 

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  8. Hello!
    This sounds amazing. I’m very pale and would love a more golden colour to my skin. When you ate the vegetables that made you golden, how much exactly did you eat each day?

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    • I was drinking lots of green juice, carrot juice, eating about 9-12 cups of fruit and veggies a day. 

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      • That is so dangerous! the recommanded amount of veggies is 2,5 cup of more if you work out, but 9-12….you are harming your body this way, please do your research and you will find out how harmful too much vitamins can be…balans is the key to everything

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  9. This article was fascinating. I’m not a vegan anymore, and I know my diet is probably one of the poorest things in my life. I’m busy, and there’s no time to take care of what I eat, fried chicken and mcdonalds are my salvation. Or my perdition. When I was a kid, my skin looked healthy and glowed; now it looks dull and like if I were sick. When I was little I remember my mom took real care of what I ate. In that time (which is not that far away, I’m 19,) I used to be a vegan. Until I had to move alone in order to study about a year ago.

    I think it is more of a commitment than a lack of time. I mean, I don’t have a lot of time, but I should make it. After all, if I die tomorrow of a heart attack caused by malnutrition it does’t really care how much I’ve achieved. I would be death, won’t I? I’m talking to my own self, I’m sorry to use this article to discharge.

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    • At 19 my diet was a disaster too! I didn’t start to change things until I was about 24. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Sounds like you know just what to do to get back on track. Get at least 9 cups of fruits and veggies a day!

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  10. Yes! I found this while doing a search to find out why my skin (palms especially) have turned golden – I’ve been eating huge smoothies heavy on carrots and berries everyday, plus swilling home made butternut squash soup.  I feel pretty good, too.

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    • That’s awesome! 🙂 

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    • I also found this while searching why my skin has changed tone.  I had a hunch it might be because I have been juicing almost every day for about 3 weeks and taking super chlorella to detox my liver. People have been noticing my new “tan” (it is March in NY). I have always been pale in the winter and my skin has taken on a golden hue since starting this. My juices are high in carrots and greens. Loving it!

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  11. I have beige skin.. it looks yellowish sometimes 🙁 how much of cherries, watermelons, and such should I eat everyday to make my skin less yellow? And would juice ( like cherry juice) be useful?

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    • Yellowish can be a normal undertone. However, if the liver is burdened it can give off a yellow hue. You can also check this by looking at the whites of your eyes. If they have a yellow hue consider cleansing the liver by leaving out alcohol, drinking lots of water with lemon, and even taking herbs such as milk thistle and dandelion which heals the liver.

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      • I don’t have a liver problem.. I checked with a doctor lol the thing is its my natural undertone.. but I am dying for a neutral or cool undertone 🙁 I noticed that u wrote stuff about eating strawberries and cherries.. if I eat lots of those will I get rosier ? :'(

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