Starting a 30 Day Fitness Challenge! Wanna Join?

Posted By Lori on Aug 25, 2011 | 21 comments


  1. Hey Lori! How are you beautiful lady? I just commented on facebook that I’m also running a Strong Is Sexy Fitness Challenge if you want to check it out. About to start another 4 weeks of it from Monday with new workouts . Been amazing so far! Let me know what you think 🙂 xx

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    • I am going to check this out!!! Thanks for sharing! 🙂

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  2. If I decide to stay on-line during my 30-day challenge, I’ll definitely check-in here. Good luck Lori!

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  3. LOVE your new site, Lori!  You know i’m in!!  Let’s do it! 

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    • Thank you!!!! 🙂 

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  4. nice work… watching you follow your passion is inspiring… best -e

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    • Love hearing from you, Eric! 🙂

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  5. You’re great! send me your newsletter. I put my email in the box, but don’t know if it went through. 

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    • Randi, I found a glich in the system and it is in the process of getting fixed now! Check back in a couple days and fingers crossed it is all better! 🙂

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  6. I have missed your videos.  I am in with the 30 day challenge!!

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    • I have missed posting my videos too!!!!! So happy to be back! 🙂

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  7. I am signing up! YAY! :-)) 

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  8. I would like to join in Lori….. I am not to late am I?

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  9. I’m in as well.  Doing a 100% 80/10/10 as well.  Feel so much better when I am.
    thanks!  Love your videos!

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