Super Veggie Dog!

Posted By Lori on Nov 17, 2008 | 8 comments

I haven’t purchased any dog food in over a year. I made the change that our dog eats the same stuff we do. I must admit, it is not only a money saver, but I feel in the long run she will not be bound by health ailments that older dogs these days are experiencing. I even feed her the pulp left over from juicing mixed with almond butter or olive oil. She loves it as you can see in this video!


  1. >So, is your dog going to be totally vegetarian from now on?

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  2. >So, is your dog going to be totally vegetarian from now on?

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  3. >my dogs are crazy about veggies, too … my big, burly cattle dog stays really muscled and super shiny and healthy on veggies (and fruits, too!) … that’s a good idea, the broccoli stalks as “bones” … xoxo

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  4. >my dogs are crazy about veggies, too … my big, burly cattle dog stays really muscled and super shiny and healthy on veggies (and fruits, too!) … that’s a good idea, the broccoli stalks as “bones” … xoxo

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  5. >My dog has been for over a year. She is doing amazing. Although, I know she catches little critters in the backyard and munches on them too!

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  6. >My dog has been for over a year. She is doing amazing. Although, I know she catches little critters in the backyard and munches on them too!

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  7. >Interesting. I am “fishitarian” myself (although I often prefer to avoid fish as well) and have had a vegetarian or near-vegetarian dog in the past.

    I interviewed a vet with a special interest in nutrition the other day for our TV show (

    I specifically asked him about vegetarian diets and he felt that it was very difficult (although not impossible) to fulfill a dogs’ dietary needs without any meat.

    The full story is scheduled to air on 17 December and should make it to the website/podcast a couple of weeks after that. Take a look and let me know what you think!

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  8. >Interesting. I am “fishitarian” myself (although I often prefer to avoid fish as well) and have had a vegetarian or near-vegetarian dog in the past.

    I interviewed a vet with a special interest in nutrition the other day for our TV show (

    I specifically asked him about vegetarian diets and he felt that it was very difficult (although not impossible) to fulfill a dogs’ dietary needs without any meat.

    The full story is scheduled to air on 17 December and should make it to the website/podcast a couple of weeks after that. Take a look and let me know what you think!

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