Are you not getting the results you want in your health, wealth or relationships?
Are you feeling drained, deflated, or struggling?
When life sucks it is merely the calling within us that is having a temper tantrum because we have been ignoring it. I’d like to inspire you to stop treating the symptoms of your life, and completely let go of what you think you should be to allow what you are meant to be to flow through you.
- Imagine healing every aspect of your life
- Imagine waking up with enthusiasm
- Imagine feeling deeply fulfilled in your life
- Imagine your desires flowing effortlessly into your life
- Imagine experiencing Heaven on Earth Now
It’s all possible. Just watch the video of me sharing my story in 2007 of hitting rock bottom which propelled me into absolute surrender. I no longer was questioning the inspired nudges. No longer allowing my mind to talk myself out of it, I was no longer procrastinating. Life felt blissful and my desires flowed to me seemingly effortlessly. Then I snapped out of it went back into my head and resistance and watched the suffering begin again. I am re-inspired to give 100% commitment to act on the whispers throughout my day. Join me!
We are meant to be great! Allow it to flow! This song is a great reminder to stop playing small.
We all have beauty that is begging to be expressed through us. Let’s let go and allow it to flow! This life is meant to be good. Let it be!
March 15, 2012
Yep, I remember it clearly. I remember the moment where my brain sort of flipped, I was so stressed in my job, and felt like I always ‘the yes person’ and then my brain just had enough, and it switch off and that was the point where I was like, “ok I got to do what’s right for me now on” and I remember surrendering too, because I had reached that point where it no longer mattered ‘if I was this or that’.
And from there on in, it has been much better. But yes, ‘it’s hard to keep on surrendering’.
March 16, 2012
Beautiful! : )
March 15, 2012
I am so glad i got this video…. :-))))
March 16, 2012
March 15, 2012
ps…there is still no donate button on this site !!!!!
March 16, 2012
I know! If you really want you can donate to my paypal account (shoot me an email) and I will start a fund. I also considered pitching my wellness retreat to allow others to contribute to the vision. You inspire me!
March 15, 2012
ps (again)….i just think life is hard enough and people do hit rock bottom and find it hard to turn to some one for help, but they don’t need to suffer when there are people like you Lori Painter in this world …i hope you fulfill your mission…
March 16, 2012
Life always brings us what is best for our own journey. How could we possibly know that what has happened to us isn’t for our mission to unfold?
BTW, I am fulfilling my mission just by being alive! 🙂
March 20, 2012
YES! Thank you for sharing this LP! You’re always SUCH an inspiration! I experience “surrender” at deeper levels with each new day… but I DO remember a major turning point years ago…I felt low, broken and battered. I felt I’d lost my beloved and my life as it “should be”. Everything felt hopeless. At first I got angry, and felt really motivated…I figured I’d use my logic and brain to sort out the pieces of the puzzle and get my life “back on track!” But as I delved deeper into trying to sort it out, even more questions and confusion arose and I found myself in a constant state of trying to “heal” myself/life. I was constantly “doing something” to try to fix things… That state of “doingness” showed my subconscious lack of faith that source/higher power/God WOULD provide whatever I needed. One day, as I began to realize this fact, I sat down and chose to stop doing things to “heal” and instead focus on deeply “loving myself” more than I’d ever done before… This may sound crazy but I began remembering how loving, good, caring, capable and wonderful “I” really was! I thought about all the ways that I showed my love to others, and visualized it. Then I focused on the gifts and goodness that life had provided me. I remembered all the love I’d experienced in my life and started feeling huge gratitude. I let my whole body/being actually activate the feelings of “being in love with ME” and suddenly something miraculous occurred! I experienced a Nirvana moment! All resistance in my body was gone, not only to painful things that happened in my past, but also to what WAS happening currently! In a sense I died to my “ego-self.” In that moment my persona “let go.” Over the course of a couple of hours my awareness was totally altered… I understood my oneness with the ALL. My entire life flashed before my eyes and I saw how EVERY SINGLE “bad” thing that had EVER happened to me WAS really for my benefit! I’ll refrain from detailing the whole day, but over the course of the next several months that blissful feeling deepend and became more familiar to me. I started to view life, myself, people, and situations differently… everything changed and I began making choices in a new way – I was guided by my inner voice rather than the logic or reactive emotions that I’d followed for years. I stopped thinking that I “had to DO things”… and that I had to know “how” things could/would work out. This took me into the most wonderful life experiences I’d known to date! Suddenly, perfect situations and opportunities just “showed up” at the right moment! Since then things have been wonderfully different for me! Sure hurdles still come up, things still trigger my old thought patterns or habits, but NOW I’m more able to recognize them, release my fears or resistance, and realign with my inner knowing voice! 🙂 I encourage everyone to try what you’ve shared here! Thanks again Lori! You’re a gift to us all!
March 20, 2012
Thank you for sharing that Tresa! I love your story and NOW is the time to be aligned! 😉
June 13, 2012
Lori, I know you mentioned God in your video, but I wasn’t sure whether you felt this euphoric experience you had came from Him as a result of submitting to Him, but I will say that I had this very experience many years ago as a result of giving my life over to the Lord because I had “hit rock bottom.” My own interpretation of this experience is that I received the Holy Spirit. It hasn’t been easy to keep up the submission since then, but I hold on to that period of my life as “proof positive” that God loves and cares for us, wants the best for us, and in heaven, we will experience this euphoria eternally. This has been my experience, just curious if yours resonates?
July 12, 2012
I love that you have surrendered as well. For me it is a daily and moment to moment practice. It takes patience and wisdom to listen. I do feel that light euphoric feeling is a result of being in alignment with God.