Posts Tagged "heartmathinstitute"

How to Stay Calm During the Coronavirus

Posted By on Mar 23, 2020

How’s it going for you right now? Isn’t it crazy to think that the entire globe is in quarantine right now? We are definitely experiencing a monumental time in world history.

How has the coronavirus pandemic affected you? Are you still working? Are you home? How are your loved ones and home life right now? I absolutely have been affected by this and I am no longer working in a physical business. I also relocated back to my former home that I had sold to my children’s father. Thankfully we have been on good terms for many years so the door is always open. My children have also home since school and work have been canceled. However, my son works for Sprouts Natural Market and he’s now working overtime. So much adjusting is taking place right now.

However, instead of panicking I am staying calm. I am simply readjusting the financial goals that I had set for the spring season and I am now focusing on putting more love into my online health and wellness business. Which I have been wanting to do for the longest time, but there were other demands at hand. I’ll be re-launching my Spring cleanse program soon, so keep your eyes open. If you aren’t signed up for my newsletter you will want to do that now. Good things are coming.

I know I am feeling good and finding my power and I want that for you as well so this past weekend, I partnered up with Eric Coplen of Dawn Your Revolution. We discuss our thoughts on the Coronavirus Global Reset and Eric also guides us through a beautiful Heart Coherence Meditation.

Meditation is one of the most powerful tools we have to elevate our mental, emotional, and physical state. If you are on limited time, fast forward to 18 minutes to jump right into the meditation. I guarantee that you will feel better after watching and participating in the video.

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