Posts Tagged "tempeh"

10 Fermented Foods to Eat This Winter

Posted By on Jan 1, 2022

Do you eat fermented foods? They are filled with healthy bacteria that make the gut feel good. If you struggle with the winter blues you may want to consider adding the following feel-good fermented food to your daily diet. Here are my top 10 favorites.

  1. Sauerkraut 
  2. Any veggies: carrot, radish, cucumber, cauliflower 
  3. Kimchi
  4. Yogurt
  5. Sourdough
  6. Idli 
  7. Beet Kvass
  8. Miso
  9. Tempeh 
  10. Fermented fat: nut-based cheeses

Fermented foods are fantastic to consume for health and wellness. I personally find it easier to consume in the cold winter months when there is less sweet fruit in season. I am less drawn to having fermented foods during the hot season. However, in the cold months, fermented foods go well with winter seasonal produce like greens, root veggies, winter squash.

Which fermented foods are you committed to eating this winter? Share in the comments below. 🙂

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