The Best Gift Idea Ever!

Posted By Lori on Dec 23, 2011 | 12 comments

Every year people are scrambling and googling for the best holiday gift to give this season. I’ve got a FANTASTIC idea for you!

“To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.”

                                               – Lewis B. Smedes

If that isn’t enough for you check out this article “35 Gifts Your Children Will Never Forget

What do you think? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.

Wishing you a wonderful holiday!

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  1. Beautiful advice as always!  Thanks Lori!

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  2. This is the perfect video to make before Christmas.  I was getting really annoyed at my daughter today because of little stuff and it is just totally not worth it.  Enjoy the family and don’t expect Christmas to be picture perfect!

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    • Debbie,

      Thank you! It’s funny how we can lose sight of what’s important…. including me. The longer I am remembering what really matters the better.

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  3. Hi Lori,

    Great Video, your approch to ones ability to forgive, and the positive psychological effects, is so true.

    Wishing you and your family the best of the festive season and a very prosperous New Year.

    Wishing you all the best.

    Ps. loved your elf video, didnt think you could move so well

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    • LOL! I am so glad you watched both videos! 🙂 I have to giggle every time I watch the dancing elves! 

      Thank you so much for being you!

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  4. watched video again and it better the second time.   I find you to be enlightening to my soul and fun.  Checked out self made wealth.  For me the raw food spiritual aspects are more important.  I feel as I develop into my true nature and power I will “know” and i will “do”.  There is a lot of stuff out there.  You Lori, have something very unique and it’s developing and growing, where it will lead to is  a mystery but where ever it is it will be good for all of mankind.

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    • I love raw foods and spirituality!  I also love learning that I had massive limiting beliefs when it came to what I can contribute in this world and what true wealth is!

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