Video of Raw Food Meetup w/ Happy Oasis

Posted By Lori on Mar 5, 2009 | 4 comments

Thanks to Paul (the organizer of an amazing raw food metup group), we are able to see a little of what Happy Oasis shared with us on Saturday. Of course, you hear me ramble about how large the co-op has grown thanks to the dedication of Alexis (mentioned in my last post). It is a bit differnt than a CSA. We don’t pay in advance a lump sum or we don’t belong to only one farmer. If you want more information, please send me a comment and I’ll give more details. Perhaps, I will post a blog on how to set up an organic produce buying club for everyone.


  1. >Hey Lori — wow! looks like a fun meet up and 600 members for your csa of sorts? i would love to have some details since we don’t have a co op here only a few pricey csas big hugs T

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  2. >Hey Lori — wow! looks like a fun meet up and 600 members for your csa of sorts? i would love to have some details since we don’t have a co op here only a few pricey csas big hugs T

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  3. >Hi Lori, I’m interested in setting a co-op very similar to yours in San Francisco. Please send me more information on how yours is set up. Thanks! And I love your blog.

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  4. >Hi Lori, I’m interested in setting a co-op very similar to yours in San Francisco. Please send me more information on how yours is set up. Thanks! And I love your blog.

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