Want to Feel Good? Meditate!

Posted By Lori on May 24, 2013 | 0 comments

Care about feeling good! After you’re used to feeling good, you just can’t stand not to.

– Ester Hicks


I don’t always feel amazing,  I’m human. Sometimes my mind gets boggled down that it can squeeze the joy right out of my day. However, it is not a regular occurrence. Most of the time I feel at peace and because I am used to feeling that way I am sensitive to when I do not. The cool thing is that I know how to get myself back to feeling good. I admit I have many different variations of things that I do to feel good, but meditation is a good one when my mind is overactive and I am feeling stressed out. It literally slows me down and helps me redirect my attention back on to my own power which are my feelings, my thoughts, my words, and my actions. Be good, feel good, think good, do good and life will feel much more peaceful.


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