Here is a quick video of Kevin & I talking about how he has been feeling as a result of cleaning up his diet and experimenting with juicing. Raw food is a new concept to Kevin and I am amazed by his openness and willingness. Since Kevin is very interested in raising consciousness I shared with him some information about the energetic value of food. He was fascinated to learn how diet affects his vibration. I look forward to sharing more videos on his transition and journey.
December 9, 2009
>Aww..he's adorable. I'm happy for you.
December 9, 2009
>Aww..he's adorable. I'm happy for you.
December 9, 2009
>As Paul Chek says, "stay away from the 4 white devils; refined grains, table salt, sugar, and pasteurized dairy." Another one of my favorite sayings of his is, "if you can't pronounce a word on the label – DON'T eat it!" haha.
I feel better than I've felt in quite some time, and currently my diet is about 90% raw (every once in awhile I steam veggies; or sometimes I make things like quinoa, or oatmeal), 100% organic (and mostly locally grown), 2-3 big glasses of fresh vegetable juice per day, and the only animal products I'm having are raw organic milk, and sometimes 1-2 raw organic free-range eggs in a smoothie.
December 9, 2009
>As Paul Chek says, "stay away from the 4 white devils; refined grains, table salt, sugar, and pasteurized dairy." Another one of my favorite sayings of his is, "if you can't pronounce a word on the label – DON'T eat it!" haha.
I feel better than I've felt in quite some time, and currently my diet is about 90% raw (every once in awhile I steam veggies; or sometimes I make things like quinoa, or oatmeal), 100% organic (and mostly locally grown), 2-3 big glasses of fresh vegetable juice per day, and the only animal products I'm having are raw organic milk, and sometimes 1-2 raw organic free-range eggs in a smoothie.
December 9, 2009
>Cute Lori:-)
December 9, 2009
>Cute Lori:-)
December 9, 2009
>This is awesome. We look forward in watching his journey into raw foods!
Hope you and your beautiful children our doing well!!
December 9, 2009
>This is awesome. We look forward in watching his journey into raw foods!
Hope you and your beautiful children our doing well!!
December 16, 2009
>Kevin seems like a total sweetheart and you two are just so right for each other. You will help him reach new heights by eating raw and he will help you back in his own way. That's how perfect relationships work – you both learn and evolve together. My boyfriend Mark and I are this way. He's totally supporting my efforts to make our family go raw. It makes the process that much easier and enjoyable when someone is right behind you and not against you. Wishing you all the best! 🙂
December 16, 2009
>Kevin seems like a total sweetheart and you two are just so right for each other. You will help him reach new heights by eating raw and he will help you back in his own way. That's how perfect relationships work – you both learn and evolve together. My boyfriend Mark and I are this way. He's totally supporting my efforts to make our family go raw. It makes the process that much easier and enjoyable when someone is right behind you and not against you. Wishing you all the best! 🙂
December 16, 2009
>@ Anon- Thank so much…he is adorable isn't he?
@ Jeff- You are rocking it out baby…thanks for sharing your wisdom on my post!
@ Amanda- thanks! Nice to hear from you!
@ Pure2Raw Twins- I will def keep you posted. He is inspiring me to juice more! He has gone vegan this month with an emphasis on high raw. I don't want him to rush or pressure himself…it is a journey!
@ Zoe- I love your support! Kevin is a good man and I enjoy him very much. We have so much fun together. We definitely play off each other and spur good things in each other….I am glad I held out for a good man! Can you believe I haven't had a boyfriend since Jan 2007? Gonna do things consciously this time around!
December 16, 2009
>@ Anon- Thank so much…he is adorable isn't he?
@ Jeff- You are rocking it out baby…thanks for sharing your wisdom on my post!
@ Amanda- thanks! Nice to hear from you!
@ Pure2Raw Twins- I will def keep you posted. He is inspiring me to juice more! He has gone vegan this month with an emphasis on high raw. I don't want him to rush or pressure himself…it is a journey!
@ Zoe- I love your support! Kevin is a good man and I enjoy him very much. We have so much fun together. We definitely play off each other and spur good things in each other….I am glad I held out for a good man! Can you believe I haven't had a boyfriend since Jan 2007? Gonna do things consciously this time around!
December 17, 2009
>Yes, I believe that, Lori. Before I met Mark in 2007 I had a year break from dating. Oh, there were men all over me, wanting to take me out, but they were not the right men.
See, when you take the path of enlightenment you begin to see through people's intentions very easy. They become transparent. Only a worthwhile, mature and confident man could pass the test of transparency.
Never settle for less than you deserve because you'll always get less than you deserve.
December 17, 2009
>Yes, I believe that, Lori. Before I met Mark in 2007 I had a year break from dating. Oh, there were men all over me, wanting to take me out, but they were not the right men.
See, when you take the path of enlightenment you begin to see through people's intentions very easy. They become transparent. Only a worthwhile, mature and confident man could pass the test of transparency.
Never settle for less than you deserve because you'll always get less than you deserve.