What are you eating during this 30 day fitness challenge?

Posted By Lori on Aug 31, 2011 | 16 comments


  1. I’m definitely going to be upping my Green Smoothie intake during these 30 days to give me that pure rocket fuel I will need to be super active. Also, sticking with the low fat, no salt, whole, fresh raw fruits and veggies. And I am focusing on keeping really hydrated. Thanks for the inspiration Lori!

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    • Jana!!! So glad to see you here! Love that you are rocking the green smoothies with me! Water and the green smoothies alone are a fantastic foundation! 🙂 

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  2. Hey Lori,

    Love your blogs. Your “Inspired Action” concept is part of my daily prayer.

    Question: You mention you’re an entrepreneur. Perhaps in some future blogs you could share some of your experiences in that role? The successes, the failures. Also, I’m interested in your thoughts on product development, marketing, sales, networking, branding, etc. What are your thoughts about your business — and how would you like to see it change in the next few years?


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    • Wow… goosebumps on your prayer! How beautiful! Thank you. 

      I would love to forward your entrepreneurial questions over to MarieForleo.com. She is brilliant and I went through her online business school that answers ALL your questions: RHHBSchool.com

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  3. You have me inspired- I have the kale in the fridge anyway so  it is going into my smoothies today.  And I am going to take my dog for that long walk that she keeps begging me for!
    Thanks Lori- You are so encouraging!!

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    • DEB- you are soooo welcome! Glad the kale made it into your smoothie! 🙂 Lucky doggy!

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  4. Funny, last night I was thinking that I needed to start doing green smoothies again!  Has been a while for me, too!  For the kids, I have been packing lots of fruit, cut up veggies, hummus (but have not done the salad or juice thing)…hmm, I think I will start doing that!  🙂

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  5. Oh, yeah, I make sure the kids are “juiced up” for breakfast and they love when I pack Coconut Water in their lunch boxes!  🙂

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    • Oh what a cool idea to pack my kids coconut water! I dunno why I didn’t think of that!!! 🙂 Thanks Sofia!

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  6. Thanks for the reminder of the green smoothies. My day always used to start and end with green smoothies. It’s funny how routines get out of whack when your life gets crazy! Going shopping today at the FM’s for greens and fruits. XO 

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    • Awesome Angela!!! I know…. I forget too!!! That’s why this is sooo great! 🙂

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  7. I would like to join your challenge 🙂 I started the 80-10-10 a few weeks ago. I’ve been transitioning, but its time to start exercising again.
    What do you put in your green smoothies?

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    • Welcome and congrats on your health journey! I mix up my greens all the time. This past week was simple just bananas and different lettuces. Next week may be something different, but I love the simplicity. It is kind of like a variation of of banana island. You know when peeps do only bananas for days, weeks, etc…

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  8. Hey Lori! Always such an inspiration. Had a question for you about your diet, during the final phases of your bikini body progress, did you eat anything cooked, or even sprouted grains and such or did you stick 100% to 811? Thanks and have an awesome day 🙂

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    • Hey Chantal,

      I did not eat exclusive 811. However, that is a foundation for me. I have found a variation that is doable for me! I will eat steamed veggies (ie: peas, broccoli, asparagus, carrots, etc). I don’t really care for sprouted grains in my diet.

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