Posts Tagged "fasting"

My Fitness Goals
To have a lean long body that looks hot in a bikini, also to have the athletic ability to surf, dance, and snowboard. I do not want to compromise athletics for aesthetics.

My Current Stats
Age: 32
Height: 5’5.25″
Weight: 126.8 lbs.
Body Fat: 22.8% ( 29 lbs of fat)*
BMI: 21

Bust: 35″, Waist: 27″, Navel: 29.50″, Hips: 37.75″, Thigh: 22.50″, Upper Arm: 11.25″, Calf: 13.50″

Ideal Body Composition
Weight: 113
Body fat: 16% **
BMI: 18.7
Bust: 34″, Waist: 25″, Hips: 35″

The Difference
Weight: 14 lbs.
Body fat: 6.8%
BMI: 2.3
Bust: 1″, Waist: 2″, Hips 2.75″

Because I am female I have higher estrogen and lower testosterone. This means it takes women longer to gain a pound of muscle than it does for men. On average, it takes men 2 weeks to gain a pound of muscle and for women it takes about 4 weeks. Lean muscle raises the metobolic rate. 1 lb. of muscle burns 35-75 calories a day. Therefore, if I gained 8 lbs. of muscle, I would be burning 280-600 more calories a day, which would allow me to get more nutrient into my body.

Workout Plan
3-4 hours of dance class a week (latin & hip hop) for fun cardio.
1-2 times a week swimming to build upper body strength for paddling when I surf
3 hours of yoga for strength and range of motion.
3: 30 minute strength training sessions (Day 1: core, Day 2: lower body, Day 3: upper body)

During strength training I am to maintain a target heart rate range of 136-146, with ideal at 141 (according to my age). 80% of my strength training should be with free weights because they recruit more muscle fibers than machines. 20% should be on machines so I can keep proper form and my heart rate up between exercises. The machines would be a bit of a support and provide a bit of rest from the free weight exercises.

Stay posted for my fitness analysis video on cardio, strength, balance, and flexibility. This should be fun and quite possibly embarrassing. 🙂

* Figuring my pounds of fat by multiplying my weight (127) by my body fat% ( 22.8) and dividing that number by 100. This gave me a reading of 29 (technically 28.9) pounds of fat are on my body.

** Dr. Douglas Graham recommends for women about 13-19% body fat.

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What Gets You High?

Posted By on Apr 28, 2009

These things rejuvenate me, bring out the best in me, and remind me to celebrate the gift of life.

1. Loving my life, my kids
2. Writing in my gratitude journal
3. Envision my life direction (vision board or programming)
4. Reading “Levels of Human Consciousness” for Enlightenment in “Power vs Force”
5. Yoga
6. Getting a massage
7. Sun bathing & reading a good book
8. Meditating in the sauna
9. Dancing to awesome music
10. Fasting
11. Eating raw food
12. Sharing a conversation with someone who is AWAKE
13. Learning something new
14. Turning people on to transparent living
15. A day of silence

I almost forgot making love would be on this list too…hmmm… back to those romance videos 🙂

How about you?

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I have been missing my greens this week. Not too sure why, just been eating mostly fruit & laying low on the overt fats.

Friday Evening to Saturday Evening
water fast for 24 hours

broke the fast on red wine (biodynamic, organic) not a great way to break a fast
Dinner: salad, sauteed carrots & broccoli, a 1/2 C of a rice dish

64 oz water
1 young thai coconut water
2 mangoes
5 bananas (ice cream cacao)
5 apples
No workout
Sun bathed

64 oz water
1 young thai coconut water
60 min yoga
25 min sauna (too much & blacked out)
25 min sun
7 apples
5 bananas
2 cucumbers
Lettuce wraps

Core Rhythms..cardio jam, 30 min sun bathe
5 apples
5 bananas
Lettuce wraps

64 oz water & water from 2 young thai coconuts
20 min precor, 60 min yoga, 20 min sauna, 60 min sun bathe, 90 min easy walking
Diet: 5 apples, Raw Chocolate Ice cream ( 5 frozen bananas & 2 T cacao powder), a few bites of papaya

2 young thai coconut water
1 apple
5 bananas (made into chocolate ice cream …my latest sweet fix)
Lettuce wraps (sprouts, shredded carrots, cucumber, tomato wrapped in butter lettuce and dipped into nama shoyu)
3 steamed russet potatoes (plain)
60 min sun bathe
40 min walk

Goal: consistent diet & workouts, 1 fast a week,& not eating late at night.

Todays measurements
Upper Arm 11.25″
Waist: 27.25″
Belly Button: 30″
Hips: 38″
Inner Thigh: 22.50″
Calves: 13.50″

Ideal Measurements:
Weight: 108-115 lbs.
Bust: 34
Waist: 24-25
Hips: 35

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Weigh In : 129.2 lbs

The inches are playing games on me, but I have to admit it has been almost 2 months since my last measure and weigh in. So, this is where I am at now.

Bust: 36″
Waist: 28″
Navel: 31″
Hips: 38″
Thighs: 23″
Upper Arm: 11.50″
Calf: 14″

This looks about where I started, but it just goes to show that fat inches and weight loss can be two different things. As I mention in my video, it’s impossible to lose more than one pound of fat a week. So, I am looking at a slow and natural evolution in my body.

My goal is to have fun. I want to enjoy being active not dread working out! I am going simple again with:
walking daily 2-4 miles
sun saluations daily, I want to try this fierce flow !
core rhythms (this was a gift from a friend and I LOVE it). I fall in love with dancing again and again. 🙂

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Many are asking about my bikini body progress. Well, I started to feel overwhelmed and too wrapped up in every little thing I ate or did. It started to turn into a stress rather than a fun transformation. I was putting unneeded pressure on myself in order to lose weight. It felt more like a struggle than anything else. So, I needed to take a break and change things up.

Not only was I stressing myself out emotionally, I think my workouts were too high stress for me. I even think that the adrenalin rush I would get from intense workouts were defeating the progress. If the cortosol levels are too high in the body and the adrenals are overworked it will suppress thyroid function. Not good for someone who is already dealing with a slow thyroid. So, I decided to pick up the yoga and drop the hard core boxing and boot camp classes.

I even laid off spinning since it really reduced my range of motion and slowed the progress I was making with yoga. I have been dealing with a considerable amount of low back pain. I have hyper lordosis which simply means my low back is really overly curved. It makes it a bit more vulnerable. I injured a disc 10 years ago and it just seems to be my weak link. However, when my quads and psoas are fully stretched my back pain greatly reduces. So, lunges, splits, warrior 1 and all those similar stretches are rocking out! Plus lots of core work keeps me better aligned.

As I was clearing out old data in my computer today I came across pictures I didn’t realize I had. This is me weighing in at 108. As you know I am a little over 5’5″. Don’t mind the boob slippage. I was laying on my tummy and sat up quickly . I didn’t realize I was doing a “fashion DON’T”. 🙂

I decided to post these anyway since it really got me excited to think of being that size again. When I see these pics , it takes me back to that feeling confident in my body. I am enjoying this process. As long as I stay in this zone I feel energized and not pressured. I am happy to watch my transformation.

I want to stay in a state of excitement and gratitude. I want to be thankful for what I have now and remember how lucky I am to even have a healthy able body. So many people are less fortunate, disabled, or ill and how dare I complain. I am one lucky chick and I look forward to being as healthy as possible.

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