Posts Tagged "gratitude journal"

Weekly Workout & Diet Wrap Up

Posted By on May 1, 2009

Water: 2.75 gallons + water from 8 young thai coconuts
Bunches of Greens: 1 (way off base, should be 10-14)
Cooked Meals: 5 (way too many)
Fasting Days: 2: 24 hour sessions
Workout: 10.5 hours
Dance: 2 hours (latin)
Yoga: 3 hours
Walking: 5 hours
Strength: 30 minutes
Sun: 3 hours
Sauna: 2 hrs 15 minutes
Home Colonics: 2

Daily Breakdown
Sun: none (cold out)
Sauna: none
Workout: 2 hour walk
Water: 80 oz H2o
Diet: 1 apple, Chipotle bean & rice burrito extra guac, a few sips of a soy chai latte & rice crispy treat (WAY OFF RAW !)

Saturday– 24 hour fast (from 4:30 pm Friday to 4:30 pm Saturday)
Sun: 60 min
Sauna: 25 min
Workout: 90 min walk
Water: 65 oz H20, coconut water from 2 young thai coconuts
Diet: fasting 24 hours, broke fast on Chipotle black bean & rice burrito (black beans, rice, corn salsa, guacamole, pico de galo). Not exactly the way I planned to break my fast. 2 apples

Sunday– accidental fast (from 5pm Saturday to 5pm Sunday), home colonic
Sun: 60 min
Sauna: 40 min
Workout: 60 min latin dance
Water: 48 oz, water from 2 young thai coconuts
Diet: fasted 24 hours (accidentally) broke fast w/ 4 frozen bananas turned into ice cream, 3 apples, couple sips of a margarita, chips, salsa, & guacamole

Sun: none (cloudy)
Sauna: 25 min
Workout: 2 : 60 min yoga sessions
Water: 3 young thai coconut water
Diet: 4 frozen bananas turned into ice cream, 4 apples, 4 frozen bananas w/1-2 T cacao powder

Sun: none (cloudy)
Sauna: none
Workout: none
Water: 40 oz H2o
Diet: 4 frozen bananas + 2 T cacao (blended into ice cream), 3 apples, Au Lac Restaurant:

Song salad, soft taco, cali rolls, pistachio “bread”, flax “bread”

Sun: none (too cool to lay out)
Sauna: 25 min
Workout: 60 min latin dance, 60 min yoga, 75 min walk
Water: 56 oz.
Diet: 5 bananas made into ice cream, apple, Thai: Tom Kah Kai (veggie coconut soup), veggie pad thai, veggie panang w/ rice. I waited far too long to eat and was far from home. I caved into hunger. Plus the 3 hours of exercise just helped me “justify” the calories. I know, it’s lame. I admit it. 🙂

Sun: 60 minutes
Sauna: 20 minutes
Home colonic: I always feel like I need to do this after I eat cooked food. It’s like I want it out of my body ASAP.
Workout: 30 min Lower body strength training, 30 min walk

Lower Body Exercises:
1. Walking lunge
1. leg press on machine,
2. static squat hold against the wall
3. 1 legged medicine ball squat w/ back foot on step
4. slow reverse lunge off step
5. forward lunge on step
Ab Exercise: medicine ball crunches w/ extended reach
Water: 48 oz H2o, water from 1 thai coconut
Diet: 5 bananas + 2 T made into ice cream, 2 cucumbers, 1 bunch of steamed broccoli (plain)

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What Gets You High?

Posted By on Apr 28, 2009

These things rejuvenate me, bring out the best in me, and remind me to celebrate the gift of life.

1. Loving my life, my kids
2. Writing in my gratitude journal
3. Envision my life direction (vision board or programming)
4. Reading “Levels of Human Consciousness” for Enlightenment in “Power vs Force”
5. Yoga
6. Getting a massage
7. Sun bathing & reading a good book
8. Meditating in the sauna
9. Dancing to awesome music
10. Fasting
11. Eating raw food
12. Sharing a conversation with someone who is AWAKE
13. Learning something new
14. Turning people on to transparent living
15. A day of silence

I almost forgot making love would be on this list too…hmmm… back to those romance videos 🙂

How about you?

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Thanks to Paul (the organizer of an amazing raw food metup group), we are able to see a little of what Happy Oasis shared with us on Saturday. Of course, you hear me ramble about how large the co-op has grown thanks to the dedication of Alexis (mentioned in my last post). It is a bit differnt than a CSA. We don’t pay in advance a lump sum or we don’t belong to only one farmer. If you want more information, please send me a comment and I’ll give more details. Perhaps, I will post a blog on how to set up an organic produce buying club for everyone.

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