Isn’t it funny how we would view the world and behave if we knew our days were limited? Fact is, we tend to take life for granted. Nobody knows when our day is up. If we did, would we do things differently? I use this scenario of “if this was my last day” for me to regain perspective on my life. This is how I want to live everyday. I want to stay here rather than get swept into the small stuff that doesn’t enrich my life. At the end of my life. I want to know that I conducted my life in this fashion.
1. Love and savor the people in my life like my kids, family and friends 2. Make amends with anyone I needed 3. Watch more sunrises and sunsets 4. Feel thankful for the opportunity to be alive 5. Inspire free living and follow the beat of my own drum 6. Live lightly 7. Eat well 8. Exercise 9. Keep learning and sharing my journey 10. Live in peace 11. Be more loving, patient and compassionate, be more tolerant, and forgiving 12. Forgive and love myself 13. Have more fun 14. Laugh until I have cramps in my side 15. Wake up early 16. Smile until my cheeks cramp 17. Leave my voice to share with my kids 18. Surround myself with my favorite things & create a private retreat 19. Hang out at an outdoor spa 20. Love my dog 21. Make someone else’s day a little easier or better, brighten someone else’s day 22. Enjoy the sun, spend more time outdoors and have picnics 23. Make more videos & blogs 24. Get off the TV and PC and experience living 25. Read to my kids and cuddle at night 26. Do more things that my kids enjoy doing like hide and seek in the dark 27. Do something different each day 28. Hug more 29. Celebrate my uniqueness 30. Make it a point to find the joy in my life and carry a carefree attitude
It is scientifically IMPOSSIBLE to be depressed and grateful at the same time! Think about that every time you are feeling blue. Shift your focus on what you have. It’s another way of taking an inventory of your life and discovering what you do have. This is perfect to do once a life detox has taken place. The garbage is gone, now let’s see the good stuff .
Thanksgiving is coming around the corner and rather than stuffing my face with food, I’m filling up my soul with thanks. Don’t be fooled into thinking this is the only time I reflect on the things I am thankful for. I keep a daily gratitude journal. I write in it almost every night before I fall asleep. It makes for an easy transition into sleep and beautiful dreams.
I think of the things that would affect me if they disappeared from my life tomorrow. Here are my top 10 ranked
Devastated 1. My kids 2. Their father… if I had a romantic partner he’d be here too! 3. My family 4. My friends 5. My pets 6. My clients 7. My health & well being (I suppose this should be number one, since it affects how I am able to relate and contribute to those listed above.)
Big Time Bummers 8. My home 9. My car 10. My journals, home videos, and photographs
OK, OK….I know I said ten, but I had to throw this in there too.
Conveniences 11. The Internet, my computer & cell phone (Funny, because these are just means to stay connected to the relationships mentioned above. )
These are the things I really need to nurture and really remember to appreciate. I know that all those things I mentioned above are not permanent. I will eventually lose them all. EVERYTHING! It makes me think….am I really enjoying them? Am I really making the most of them. Do they know how much I care?
On the other hand, I feel less of a need for other materialistic belongings. I mean really, if I have all the above listed things in my life, the extra “stuff” just might be a distraction or clutter in my life. Truth is, we only use about 20% of what we own. Back to purging! Living light inspires the soul.
Ten More Things I Am Thankful For 1. The experience of Motherhood & being a woman 2. Living during these times & technology 3. My knowledge and experiences 4. My health, beauty, energy, able body 5. My dreams and direction 6. A connection to a higher power & sense of self 7. Living in safety, where the sun shines and the weather is warm 8. My time 9. Being well received by others 10. Unlimited Potential
What about being grateful for the hardships and life challenges?
5 Challenges that I overcame & made me who I am today. 1. Poverty & Abuse 2. Shoplifting 3. Exotic dancing 4. Failed relationships 5. Single motherhood
5 Current Challenges I am experiencing today & being thankful for the opportunity to grow & learn from them. 1. Financial burdens… I want to live free from financial obligations 2. Weight gain…. I want to feel secure in my own skin and celebrate physical health 3. Self esteem….I want to feel confident in who I am and what I am capable of 4. Discipline & Focus…I want to stay on task so I can experience the things in life that really matter most to me. 5. Being single… I want to grow and share life with a life partner.
If you are running through life feeling overwhelmed and not really making the impact you know you want, or wishing you felt alive and filled with passion then you are going to LOVE me!